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Posts posted by cylon

  1. What is your playback device? Maybe you can avoid the transcoding by using a different player? I have been fighting with the issue of my server not being powerful enough to transcode since I ditched my dedicated HTPC (too old to play 4K) for an Apple TV4K. There was no way the other half was going to approve funds for a HTPC that can do 4K with full madvr quality settings. Initially I was using Infuse (does not require transcoding) and then I switched to MrMc, also doesn't require transcoding. I prefer MrMc. Feels more like Kodi and Emby.

  2. I have been having multiple issues with my server recently some of which I believe are related to me trying to do too much with it (loving Docker)
    This has prompted me to start researching a new build.

    My current setup is:

    • Case: Norco 4224
    • Motherboard: SM X8SIL-F
    • 2x SAS cards: AOC-SASLP-MV8 8-Port
    • CPU: Xeon L3406 (30W TDP)
    • RAM: 4GB ECC

    Can you please advise what ECC RAM you are using and how much.
    I assume my existing SAS cards will work with this build? I am trying to keep to reuse as much hardware as possible.
    Have you got the IPMI console working over HTLM5? I would love to not use IPMIVIew.

  3. More testing... I noticed the fan wall fans were the ones hitting the IPMI threshold not the CPU fan so I lowered all the thresholds to 30 (lowest it will go). Same problem - can't go below a PWM setting of 56. Therefore the enhancement request in my previous post is not going to work.


  4. I have a Supermicro X8SIL-F motherboard in a Norco RPC-4224 case with the 120mm triple fan wall. A "feature" of this motherboard is that if the CPUs fan speed gets too low it goes into an alarm state and spins all the fans (three fan wall and one CPU fan) at 100% speed. The minimum PWM value I can set is 56 which equals approximately 1035rpm on the CPU fan and 800rpm on the fan wall.


    There is a discussion on this specific issue here with no progress:



    I have attempted to override the IPMI lower threshold by installing the IPMI tool plugin:


    And running this command (the CPU fan is "FAN 1")

    ipmitool sensor thresh "FAN 1" lower 0 0 0


    This changed the following values (note that it didn't go to zero):


    Lower Non-Recoverable //

    Lower Critical Lower //


    Original Value:




    New Value:






    The lowest PWM value I can set before the IPMI alarm kicks in is still 56. :-(


    Onto my enhancement request - Obviously it is not desirable to reduce the minimum threshold of the CPU fan. Is it possible to update the Dynamix Auto Fan Control plugin to specify which fans are controlled rather than using the overarching PWM controller?

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