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Posts posted by danith

  1. How do I add command line options to the executable the docker is launching?  I thought it was the Post Arguments field but it doesn't seem to be working. 

    I'm using the Insurgency Sandstorm docker and trying to add the tokens that allow stats.

    I have post arguments as:   -GSLTToken=XXX -GameStatsToken=xxx -GameStats -ruleset=OfficialRules

    The docker command is: 

    root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='InsurgencySandstorm' --net='bridge' -e TZ="America/Chicago" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'GAME_ID'='581330' -e 'SERVER_NAME'='DanithServer' -e 'GAME_PARAMS'='Oilfield?Scenario=Scenario_Refinery_Checkpoint_Insurgents?MaxPlayers=8' -e 'USERNAME'='' -e 'VALIDATE'='' -e 'PASSWRD'='' -e 'GAME_PORT'='27102' -e 'QUERY_PORT'='27131' -e 'UID'='99' -e 'GID'='100' -p '27102:27102/udp' -p '27131:27131/udp' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/steamcmd':'/serverdata/steamcmd':'rw' -v '/mnt/cache/appdata/insurgencysandstorm':'/serverdata/serverfiles':'rw' --restart=unless-stopped 'ich777/steamcmd:insurgencysandstorm' -GSLTToken=XXX -GameStatsToken=XXX -GameStats -ruleset=OfficialRules


    When it launches, the log has the error:  LogGameStatsServer: Display: GameStatsServer INIT: No authentication provided, -GameStatsToken= required for statistics collection, and I've tried moving the flags around with no change.


    Whats the proper way of making it launch with extra command line options?

  2. You may need to create a static DHCP reservation on your routers side to access via the host name, or it's something with IPv6.  I've had a similar issue where sometimes it worked, sometimes it wouldn't.  When I did a nslookup, I saw that windows was querying my ISP's nameserver via IPv6 and returning a wrong address.  I eventually just turned off IPv6 on my routers side, the ISP kept hijacking the queries and I couldn't figure out how to have my router be the nameserver for IPv6.  I'm not a network guy though so I probably have it all wrong, but once I turned off IPv6 on the router, I haven't had any issue accessing my unraid box by the hostname.

  3. Was looking at getting this case because everytime I open my existing case to work on things I get more and more old plastic breaking off.  Does anyone use a 980TI or a full-size graphic card in this case?  Looking it it, I'm wondering if it would be a bit tight or not fit at all.


    edit, nevermind.. I was looking at the CS, not the DS

  4. To maybe help someone.. and me when I run into this again.. this is if this error is coming up - neither stdin nor stderr are a tty device and you have neither a controlling tty nor systemd - can't ask for 'Enter Private Key Password:'. If you used --daemon, you need to use --askpass to make passphrase-protected keys work, and you can not use --auth-nocache.


    If I tried added --askpass /path/to/file to the VPN_OPTIONS variable, it would enclose it with single quotes  when it tried to start openvpn -

    /usr/bin/openvpn --daemon --reneg-sec 0 --mute-replay-warnings --auth-nocache --setenv VPN_PROV 'custom' --setenv DEBUG 'true' --setenv VPN_DEVICE_TYPE 'tun0' --setenv VPN_REMOTE 'vpn.vpnservicer.com' --script-security 2 --up /root/openvpnup.sh --up-delay --up-restart --writepid /root/openvpn.pid --remap-usr1 SIGHUP --log-append /dev/stdout --pull-filter ignore 'up' --pull-filter ignore 'down' --pull-filter ignore 'route-ipv6' --pull-filter ignore 'ifconfig-ipv6' --pull-filter ignore 'tun-ipv6' --pull-filter ignore 'persist-tun' --pull-filter ignore 'reneg-sec' --remote 1282 udp --remote-random --keepalive 10 60 --auth-user-pass credentials.conf '--askpath /path/to/file' --cd /config/openvpn --config '/config/openvpn/myvpn.ovpn'

    If I went into the docker terminal and ran that exact command without the single quotes around askpath, it worked fine.  I struggled with how to remove those single-quotes for awhile but then found an easier way of getting it working.  

    Use the terminal and navigate to where your cert files are

    Run the command:  openssl rsa -in yourkey.key -out yourkey_withoutpass.key

    It will ask you for your passpharse, you enter it in and it will generate a new certificate without the passphrase.  Then you just edit your .ovpn file with the new key and it should work.





  5. I thought balance-alb didn't need any special hardware.  I have the cables going into a d-link 8 port unmanaged switch (DGS-108) but I keep getting these "kernel: br0: received packet on bond0 with own address as source address" errors in the log like every 10 seconds.  Should I just forget about bonding?

  6. Looks like to change to a specific version you add the version you want in the Repository line - i.e. binhex/arch-delugevpn:1.3.14-1-05


    It works if I go back to 1.3.14-1-05 but after that it doesn't.  I think I'll stay on this version for now, until I see the VPN place make a new cert.

  7. I updated the container and now just get

    Mon May 15 22:31:35 2017 VERIFY ERROR: depth=0, error=CA signature digest algorithm too weak: C=US, ST=NY, L=New York, O=vpnsecure.me, OU=Office, CN=vpnsecure-server, [email protected]
    Mon May 15 22:31:35 2017 OpenSSL: error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed
    Mon May 15 22:31:35 2017 TLS_ERROR: BIO read tls_read_plaintext error
    Mon May 15 22:31:35 2017 TLS Error: TLS object -> incoming plaintext read error
    Mon May 15 22:31:35 2017 TLS Error: TLS handshake failed
    Mon May 15 22:31:35 2017 SIGUSR1[soft,tls-error] received, process restarting



    I think it's because of what they talk about in here https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/53831 .  Although when I look at my certs they say Signature Algorithm/Signature hash algorithm SHA256 thumprint algorithm sha1


    Is there a way to revert back to the previous version?

  8. do you have the rom file parameter in the VM?  When I stopped specifying a external rom file for my 750Ti, my VM started performing like shit and weird stuff would happen (notification service didn't load, startup and shutdown times were a lot longer).  When I put the line back in the XML, stuff went back to normal.

  9. Don't really want to make a new thread for a quick question.. the current VM storage location is on my drive pool - /mnt/user/Virtual_Machines/


    Can I copy the contents to where I mount the new drive (thinking /mnt/VM_Disk) and then change the VM storage location to the new path and will my existing VM still show up, or is there another config file I need to change?


    edit - nevermind, found this.  


  10. I just received a 500gb SSD that I'm going to use for the VM's on my unRaid box and I'm going to leave it out of the array and use the unassigned devices plugin to mount it and such.  Is there a recommended file system for the VM store?  I believe I read that btrfs is a bad ideal.  Since the unassigned disks plugin looks like it supports ext4, I was thinking of doing that.

  11. 7 hours ago, binhex said:


    interesting!, so does this actually prevent any prompt to type the pass phrase for the private key then?.


    Yup!  After a bunch of googling I ran into this page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11240184/pass-private-key-password-to-openvpn-command-directly-in-ubuntu-10-10 which said the --askpass <password file> thing was added in openvpn 2.0 beta so I tried it out and it worked.


    I can get logs with it off and on if you need them.  Maybe you can add that flag as a part of the docker container? :P



  12. 46 minutes ago, danith said:

    I've read a whole bunch of this thread and I can't figure this out.  I'm trying to connect to my provider - VPNSecure.me


    edit:  figured out that output that was here before.. problem was I changed some variables and it reloaded the docker and replaced all the certs and stuff.  But now I'm getting this error


    [debug] Waiting for valid IP address from tunnel...
    Tue Apr  4 18:19:50 2017 NOTE: the current --script-security setting may allow this configuration to call user-defined scripts
    Tue Apr  4 18:19:50 2017 neither stdin nor stderr are a tty device and you have neither a controlling tty nor systemd - can't ask for 'Enter Private Key Password:'.  If you used --daemon, you need to use --askpass to make passphrase-protected keys work, and you can not use --auth-nocache.
    Tue Apr  4 18:19:50 2017 Exiting due to fatal error

    how do I un-password protect a cert :|



    For anyone else with this, make a file with the password in /config/openvpn/, then in the docker settings set the VPN_OPTIONS key to --askpass /config/openvpn/<file with the password in it>

  13. I've read a whole bunch of this thread and I can't figure this out.  I'm trying to connect to my provider - VPNSecure.me


    edit:  figured out that output that was here before.. problem was I changed some variables and it reloaded the docker and replaced all the certs and stuff.  But now I'm getting this error


    [debug] Waiting for valid IP address from tunnel...
    Tue Apr  4 18:19:50 2017 NOTE: the current --script-security setting may allow this configuration to call user-defined scripts
    Tue Apr  4 18:19:50 2017 neither stdin nor stderr are a tty device and you have neither a controlling tty nor systemd - can't ask for 'Enter Private Key Password:'.  If you used --daemon, you need to use --askpass to make passphrase-protected keys work, and you can not use --auth-nocache.
    Tue Apr  4 18:19:50 2017 Exiting due to fatal error

    how do I un-password protect a cert :|

  14. Thanks for this.  Glad I kept this thread opened in a tab in Chrome.  When I upgraded from 5.x to 6.2, I rebooted the Unraid VM but didn't reboot the ESXi box.  Today I figured I should just to see if I would run into this or not and I did.  After ESXi and Unraid came back up, no disks were found.  Made the changes in the syslinux.cfg, rebooted and drives were back.


    Thanks again.  Without this, I would have been really frustrated :)

  15. How do I increase the /tmp size?


    root@Dave-San:~# df -h /tmp
    Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    -               454M  454M     0 100% /


    not really sure where it is taking the space from.  I have 1024M assigned to the VM, I could increase it if thats how it assigns the size


    Or I could just make a /tmp folder on the cache drive and mount it I guess


    edit:  ahh shoot, didn't mean to put this in 5.x support.  This is on Unraid 6

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