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Posts posted by Corvinus

  1. Marvell chipset isn't inherently bad, most customers are without a doubt using one if connected to their motherboards instead of dedicated HBA. In fact, it's a great option to e.g. cheap SIL which often has firmware that will park heads like a madman, Marvell won't. I find it's unfitting that a mod would blindly point fingers to it like in this thread, when the symptoms don't specifically match at all. I took a deep dive into the reference, and it's entirely IOMMU/vt-d(virtualization) related, symptoms include loosing all drives, and would have to be triggered by a system upgrade or BIOS changes if it already worked. 


    Change the controller for troubleshooting sure, but I highly doubt it's related if you still see at least some drives connected to it. If anything I'd check if the cables and connections are good, first.

  2. I see. Thanks. I think I may just run it manual then. 


    Does unraid have SMART monitoring by default (like the smartmontools daemon/smartd)? That could e-mail whenever an uncorrectable attribute has been triggered by a drive. I tend to install it on Debian servers and be on top of drive health early. When testing ZFS I've also used ZED (ZFS event daemon) for its own notification purposes in addition to smartd. Smartd has a default SMART check interval of 30 minutes, which I tend to adjust down to 1-5 minutes. 


    Does unraid have something equivalent already in place? If not, can I install it on unraid as well and make it stick persistently through future reboots? I'm not entirely sure how the OS configuration and customization works yet. 

  3. I have a followup if I may. It seems like a rule of thumb to check integrity every month or so, I just want to understand it more.


    In what situations will parity get corrupted? I'm just wondering how important the parity check really is. What is it that actually can corrupt it? Is it more likely to corrupt than e.g. a mdadm RAID5/6, or equally so? As far as I know, there's no such checking there. While ZFS recommends their scrubs though.


    Is it just about bit rot? Doesn't modern drives have internal ECC or CRC mechanisms, that uses redundant correcting data stored on the same sectors as their file data and lets SMART know if there is uncorrectable data? 



  4. I'm going to wanna run scheduled parity checks once a month as a way to both read all sectors (trigger any lurking pre-fail SMART attributes like pending or realloc) as well as of course making sure parity is sane. I have a couple of questions in relation to it, and in general.




    1) My setup is up to 24 internal drives on a single 2400MB/s SAS2 connection due to the backplane's expander having a single SFF-8087 connector. So theoretically all drives have 100MB/s if they are all used at once. I have gigabit network and expect along those lines when reading from a share. Will I suffer hard here during checking? I suppose I could leave ~4 unused for spares etc. which would open up some bandwidth. Opening up hopefully at least 10-20MB/s for high bitrate movies.



    2) Do unraid have something like smartd running that can instantly notify me if a bad attribute has been discovered within just minutes? And if I'm vigilant of replacing any such drive, can I expect the array of staying intact - even during sudden power loss? As in, if no drives got bad during the power loss, unraid will be able to fix any parity problems and at least have all other data intact except the file or data that was being written. (yes I got UPS, but wondering either way. I've had old units ironically create power loss themselves when battery goes old).



    3) One of the reasons I haven't tried unraid before is the USB drive aspect. So I just wanna ask straight up, is there any scenario where I can loose my array or data on it from a catastrophically defective USB boot drive? Disregarding any human errors I may make myself replacing it. I mean any action it may take itself while booting up erroneously. Simply put, can I risk the array due to a bad boot USB drive? While we all praise the need for backups, this would probably be a deal breaker for me.




    My only need for this server is 4 user shares just for backing up and storing documents and videos, as well as the plex media. While having a single VM run Windows Server 2019 on SSD cache pool (I guess this is the common way?) of 2-3 SSDs. I got like 5-6 laying around. That single VM img or qcow2 (do unraid support qcow2?) will serve all and any services in that VM, including plex and its metadata (trying to keep things simple). The only load on the array will be reading and writing backup files and media. It won't host games, databases, VMs or anything intensive. I just need storage and that single VM to be stable without hickups or weird freezes (as long as my hardware is OK of course).


    I'm on the fence about keeping the stablebit stack of software with all its quirks and limitations, being a filesystem filter (community and support also becoming slower and less active these days) where I'd do pool:cloud realtime duplication. Or roll my own minimal debian solution (it's what I'm most comfortable with of all distros) install with zfs and kvm (minimal gui with xorg and openbox for the comfort of using virt-manager to handle VM) which I've already battle tested just to see what I can expect, so I'm getting comfortable with it. Or go unraid and being able to expand easier, not having to pay up front and plan big 8x raidz2 vdevs at once. Also at the cost of more parity...


    Regardless, rclone backups to my gsuite where everything is today (managing it is slow, so I want it local again). Backup is covered, but I rather not download ~60-100TB in the long run unless I really have to, due to loosing ALL data on striped conventional raids (the reason I'm not going with hardware raid, even though I like adaptec). With unraid I'm most worried about loosing just SOME data, but not knowing exactly WHAT I've lost (would seriously strain my OCD). But a simple rclone sync operation should fix that. Another thing that's dodgy with stablebit, unless they've fixed it recently.


    This ended up being a wall of text... Sorry. I just got a lot on my mind. Tend to get obsessed when faced with a challenge/problem/issue.


    This community is mega responsive, and I love you all for it. There's a huge chance I'll buy a pro license before the weekend knocks.

  5. 1 minute ago, Hoopster said:

    Yes, because of some cabling issues, I was getting a lot of UDMA CRC errors on a particular disk.  The error notifications were frequent and almost instantaneous.  I ended up attaching that disk to a different HBA SATA cable/port and rebuilding.  It was the same disk and I just rebuilt it onto itself and all was good.  Because of all the errors, unRAID eventually marked the disk unreadable.


    Notifications can be email but also pop up in the unRAID GUI.


    I had another case where I turned off SMART monitoring of a particular attribute because I was getting notified of an "error" that minutes later corrected itself. It got so frequent it was annoying and was due to a firmware bug in that particular SSD model.


    Being able to opt out certain attributes is surely a nice option to have. 


    Think I'll pull the trigger on the pro the coming week and give it a solid try. Thanks a lot for polite and constructive answers.

    • Like 1
  6. Thank you, if I can schedule the extended self-test via scripting or otherwise, I'll be good. I like to run them every 30 days.


    A followup if I may. I read in the Unraid 6 Manual: 
    "You can subscribe to different types of notifications for each method and even add custom alerts for SMART values attribute monitoring."


    Will this act similar to the N second checking mdmonitor can do in md setups? So that when a sector read or write operation is attempted, and there's a pending and/or reallocation event happening, I will be notified almost instantly on e-mail without having to run a test manually or wait for my script to run. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Hoopster said:

    @Corvinus  This an important point.  Many wrongly assume parity is a backup the data on all the drives.  How can one (or even two) 12TB parity drives have a full backup of several 12TB data drives?


    All the parity drive contains is a bunch of bits that contain the parity calculation for that location for ALL the drives.  If a drive needs to be rebuilt or replaced, parity can rebuilt the drive by using the parity calculation and reading ALL the other drives (they must all be readable) to figure out what is missing.


    Now, if you need to rebuild a drive, yes it will come back exactly as it was.  This will include all folders, files permissions, etc.  It will also include any errors or corruption introduced to parity before rebuilding; thus the need for a monthly parity check to ensure parity integrity.


    And, yes SMART checks can be run on demand or scheduled via a script.

    I'm well aware how parity works. My point was that snapraid does it from the data within files, on file level. I was hoping Unraid did it on block level direct under the file system. That way all permissions and ownership will be included as well. From the way it has been explained, it sounds like it dots all my i's and crosses all my t's.


    3 minutes ago, jonathanm said:

    A parity check reads all sectors on all drives in the parity array.


    You can initiate and check results of SMART tests in the GUI, and if you wanted, you could script them.

    Sweet, the ability to set up cron scripts or equivalent will suite me fine.

  8. 3 minutes ago, jonathanm said:

    You can't restore files and folders, only complete disks. As long as parity is accurate when the disk went offline, the emulated drive is a bit level copy. Unraid does its best to keep parity valid, but things like power cuts during a write can corrupt parity, so if an unclean shutdown is detected, a parity check is triggered, and it's a good idea to do periodic (monthly, typically) parity checks just to make sure all the drives are returning good data.


    Parity has no concept of files, folders, or file systems.


    Thanks, sounds good.


    I forgot to ask, is there any regular surface scans/long diagnostic SMART tests scheduling in Unraid? I liked that Stablebit Scanner did this, and I do it today via HD Sentinel on some servers to be pro-active and detect pending and/or reallocated sector failures early.

  9. I'm considering the pro license for a supermicro 24 bay.


    1) Is there any SMART monitoring of the USB boot stick? Are there important data being written to it that may fail silently and lead to corruption? I like that the system is copied and run from RAM after boot; but I expect some data are still being updated on it, based on user actions.


    2) If a second USB stick fails before the next eligible date to receive a replacement key, what are my options to get back up and running? Why even have such delay instead of a constant ability - e.g. via web account login - to release and re-register the same license?


    3) In general regards to driver support, is Unraid well supported on most Supermicro mainboards?


    4) I've used Drivepool before, but I don't like the 50% space requirement of duplication. Single or double parity level is attractive in terms of space. Snapraid is file-level and won't rebuild ACL/permissions/user rights so it's not viable for what I want. I expect Unraid to do keep file system level information intact since I assume it works on block level? 


    5) Is the Unraid metadata resilient enough that I could place the drives quickly on another server, another HBA/SATA controller, different order, and it would come up as a recognized array on a freshly built USB stick with default config?


    6) Are there any connectivity dependencies for booting Unraid? Does the server need to be connected to Internet to e.g. validate license?



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