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Posts posted by ponack

  1. 25 minutes ago, CorneliousJD said:

    Something broke last night with the latest update, woke up to all cameras offline making the offline "beep" noise it does, docker was started but logs showing it aboriting mongo and webUI wouldn't load. 

    This mirrors what I awoke to as well.  I tried to do a mongodb repair in accordance with UniFi's help article but the processes keeps restarting with a new pid, so the lock never releases.

  2. Binhex, I've noticed when streaming from Koel on mobile networks it doesn't always do too hot.  Some looking into it showed me this:


    Streaming Music


    Koel supports three streaming methods which can be configured via a STREAMING_METHOD setting in .env file:


    php: Use native PHP readfile(). This is the default method, and the slowest and most unstable one. Only use this method if you can’t others.


    x-sendfile: Use Apache’s mod_xsendfile module. You’ll need to install and configure the module manually. A sample configuration is as following:

    LoadModule xsendfile_module  libexec/apache2/mod_xsendfile.so


    <IfModule mod_xsendfile.c>

      XSendFile on

      XSendFilePath /var/www/koel



    x-accel-redirect: Use nginx’s X-Accel module. Refer to nginx.conf.example for a sample nginx configuration file.

    Note: STREAMING_METHOD doesn't have effects if you're serving songs from Amazon S3.


    Source - https://github.com/phanan/koel/wiki


    If possible I was wondering if you could include the Apache mod_xsendfile module?  Or set it up for the x-accel-redirect method?  It's currently set to php which is the least recommended one.


    Thank you!


    in my quest to improve performance i have already done this for you, im not using apache but nginx, so have used the recommended module "nginx x-accel-redirect", so at the moment thats about as good as its going to get.


    Perfect, so I changed this in my .ENV file in the docker directory.








    And it's working beautiful.


    Thank you!

  3. Binhex, I've noticed when streaming from Koel on mobile networks it doesn't always do too hot.  Some looking into it showed me this:


    Streaming Music


    Koel supports three streaming methods which can be configured via a STREAMING_METHOD setting in .env file:


    php: Use native PHP readfile(). This is the default method, and the slowest and most unstable one. Only use this method if you can’t others.


    x-sendfile: Use Apache’s mod_xsendfile module. You’ll need to install and configure the module manually. A sample configuration is as following:

    LoadModule xsendfile_module  libexec/apache2/mod_xsendfile.so


    <IfModule mod_xsendfile.c>

      XSendFile on

      XSendFilePath /var/www/koel



    x-accel-redirect: Use nginx’s X-Accel module. Refer to nginx.conf.example for a sample nginx configuration file.

    Note: STREAMING_METHOD doesn't have effects if you're serving songs from Amazon S3.


    Source - https://github.com/phanan/koel/wiki


    If possible I was wondering if you could include the Apache mod_xsendfile module?  Or set it up for the x-accel-redirect method?  It's currently set to php which is the least recommended one.


    Thank you!

  4. Try changing the VPN port to 1198


    Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk


    That's an improvement - now the logs shows this:



    2016-08-08 06:37:13,182 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:

    [crit] VPN provider remote protocol not defined (via -e VPN_PROTOCOL), exiting...


    Whoops, I should have added that you'll need to add the env variable VPN_PROTOCOL=udp (for PIA, it may be tcp for other providers)


    Perfect!  Working like a charm now, thanks Bungy!

  5. /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="nzbgetvpn" --net="bridge" --privileged="true" -e TZ="America/New_York" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e "VPN_USER"="p0902491" -e "VPN_PASS"="password" -e "VPN_REMOTE"="us-east.privateinternetaccess.com" -e "VPN_PORT"="1194" -e "VPN_PROV"="pia" -e "LAN_NETWORK"="" -p 6789:6789/tcp -v "/mnt/cache/Cache/appdata/nzbgetvpndata":"/data":rw -v "/mnt/cache/Cache/appdata/nzbgetvpn":"/config":rw -v "/etc/localtime":"/etc/localtime":ro -v "/mnt/cache/Cache/appdata/couchdata":"/cpdata":rw -v "/mnt/cache/Cache/appdata/nzbdls":"/nzbdls":rw -v "/mnt/cache/Cache/appdata/comicdls":"/comicdls":rw -v "/mnt/cache/Cache/appdata/musicdls":"/musicdls":rw jshridha/docker-nzbgetvpn


    I was able to update the docker to use binhex's openvpn as the baseimage. You'll need to update your docker to include these environmental variables



    VPN_PORT=1198 (if using PIA)

    LAN_NETWORK= (or whatever your home lan network is)


    Let me know if you have any issues. The build should be done in a couple of minutes.


    Thanks for this, however after updating my docker won't seem to start and no message listed in the log.

  7. nzbgetvpn


    We need this docker to be updated according the new PIA certs.


    See binhex VPN dockers




    Indeed!  Bungy are you able to do this?  Thanks, and so far I have been loving the NZBGETVPN Docker you've provided.


    I put a bit of time into it, but didn't get very far. I ran into a self-signed cert issue, and I ran out of time to work on it. I'm a bit swamped with work at the moment, so I can't quite do this right now, but maybe over the weekend. I want to switch to binhex's baseimage and use his awesome openvpn setup, but I'll have to postpone until things calm down a bit.


    Totally understand, and I'll look forward to when you can.  Thank you sir!

  8. Same issue reported in my logs  :(


    I hope our pal binhex can take a look see and push out a bug fix update.


    this should now be fixed (untested, im not a plex pass user), please pull down the latest image and let me know if it fixes the issue.


    Thanks Binhex, so far it's working for me.  I'm a bit confused however due to all the containers I use from you since updating to the latest beta are showing "update ready" - even after updating.

  9. I've been running the binhex-plex docker for quite some time, but I see now you have a plexpass version - what would be the correct way to switch to plexpass?


    untested, but here is how i would probably approach this:-


    1. create screenshots of plex webui and how you have it configured for media, paths etc

    2. download plexpass, configure same as plex EXCEPT /config which should point at a new folder

    3. run plexpass edition to generate files/folders

    4. configure plexpass to point at same media folders (see screenshots)

    5. stop plexpass docker

    6. stop plex docker

    7. copy media and metadata folders from config for plex to plexpass

    8. start plexpass edition and cross your fingers :-)


    Finally got around to doing this.  It worked, except all the watched and unwatched data reset.  Other than that this seemed to work fine.



  10. If anyone has a moment, I've been fighting with this all week and I'm not quite sure what I'm doing wrong.  I get the following each time I try to create a new Docker Container:



    Pulling image: needo/plex
    STATUS: Pulling repository needo/plex
    IMAGE ID: dea06daf3dc4
    STATUS: Pulling image (latest) from needo/plex
    STATUS: Pulling image (latest) from needo/plex, endpoint: https://registry-1.docker.io/v1/
    STATUS: Pulling dependent layers
    IMAGE ID: 511136ea3c5a
    STATUS: Pulling metadata
    STATUS: Pulling fs layer
    STATUS: Downloading 36% of 1MB
    STATUS: Download complete
    IMAGE ID: b18d0a2076a1
    STATUS: Pulling metadata
    STATUS: Pulling fs layer
    Warning: stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to unix:///var/run/docker.sock (Connection refused) in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dockerMan/dockerClient.php on line 450 Couldn't create socket: [111] Connection refused
    Command:root@localhost:# /usr/bin/docker run -d --name="PlexMediaServer" --net="bridge" --privileged="true" -e TZ="America/New_York" -p 32400:32400/tcp -v "/mnt/user/appdata/plexmediaserver/":"/config":rw -v "/mnt/user/Movies/":"/movies":rw -v "/mnt/user/TV/":"/tv":rw needo/plex
    2014/10/30 20:22:11 Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is 'docker -d' running on this host?
    The command failed.


    Prior to this error, it shows docker as running fine, then after it shows it as stopped.


    Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you!



  11. Needo, first and foremost, I love how simple you've made these Docker packages, and how open you've been about them, I feel as though I've learned more about Docker just from reading your posts, than I have in reading any others.  So thank you very much for this.


    However I have a question regarding SABNZBD and SickBeard - how would one get to the autoProcessTV.cfg file to configure it?  I'm trying to get SAB and Sickbeard working in unison but have had some trouble with this part.  Pardon me if this is a frequent question, I searched but no luck.



  12. Hello, I was previously on Unraid 6b6, just upgraded to 6b9 to check out Docker.  When I try to start it however, I get the following in my log file:


    /etc/rc.d/rc.docker start

    /var/lib/docker is not a mountpoint

    Not starting Docker: no image file defined


    Additionally when I look at the Docker settings, I see the following path:




    However when I browse to that location, no docker.img file exists - and in the settings this path is greyed out and will not allow me to edit it.


    Any guidance would be appreciated, not sure if this is an issue or something I did wrong maybe?


    Thank you.

  13. I've setup a Ubuntu guest on my Unraid 6 beta 5a, including following the information from here:




    However in my Ubuntu guest, when I run libusb, I get this:


    unable to initialize libusb: -99


    I'm curious if the VM itself needs some type of Xen tools loaded?  I know when I use VMWare there's the VMWare tools, but unsure if for Xen there's something similar - or if not, how to resolve this.


    Thank you in advance for your time.

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