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Posts posted by dcruz

  1. On unraid 6.6.7 when i try to kick off a preclear job from unassigned or the plugin itself i get stuck at starting.

    When I click start  a popup opens and then immediately closes and I do not see the icon in chrome telling me chrome closed it.


    When i go look at the logs i see the following:

    May 18 16:00:18 preclear_disk_37484A50415A3046_18992: Command: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/preclear.disk/script/preclear_disk.sh /dev/sdp
    May 18 16:00:18 preclear_disk_37484A50415A3046_18992: Preclear Disk Version: 1.0.4
    May 18 16:00:18 preclear_disk_37484A50415A3046_18992: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/preclear.disk/script/preclear_disk.sh: line 1703: /  : syntax error: operand expected (error token is "/  ")
    May 18 16:00:18 preclear_disk_37484A50415A3046_18992: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/preclear.disk/script/preclear_disk.sh: line 1716: let: parts+=( / ): syntax error: operand expected (error token is "/ )")
    May 18 16:00:18 preclear_disk_37484A50415A3046_18992: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/preclear.disk/script/preclear_disk.sh: line 1718: -  : syntax error: operand expected (error token is "-  ")
    May 18 16:00:21 preclear_disk_37484A50415A3046_18992: Pre-Read: dd if=/dev/sdp of=/dev/null bs=2097152 skip=0 count= conv=notrunc iflag=nocache,count_bytes,skip_bytes
    May 18 16:00:21 preclear_disk_37484A50415A3046_18992: Pre-Read: dd command failed -> dd: invalid number: ''


    I have started the pre-clear on two 8TB disk via the terminal so I am good, but wanted to report it and see if there is a solution.  Sorry if this has been discussed before i looked through a good chunk of the posts in the thread but did not see similar.

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