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Posts posted by gregjc01

  1. @steini84: did you make any progress in putting together a tutorial for compiling zfs and spl for new kernels? I mistakenly updated to new kernel and cannot access my pool now. Maybe a few high-level bullet points could help steer me in the right direction?


    While I'm new to the forum, I'm not new to unRAID, ZFS or Linux.


    There are really good performance tests over at http://www.phoronix.com/ but for me it's more about stability and usability (snapshots replication etc that fits my workflow)


    When unRaid is updated you have to wait for a plugin update. I try to update the plugin as fast as I can, but sometimes it can be a couple of days. If you accidentally update the worst thing that happens is that your Zfs pool won't be imported and the data the won't be accessible until a plugin update is pushed. In my setup that would mean all my dockers and vms.


    I wanted to wait for 6.1 final before writing a complete how to for Zfs on unRaid, but if there was any interest I could get on that right away.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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