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Posts posted by knoorda

  1. @TstormDoc thanks for the reply.   I was able to grab new file and update.   For anyone struggling, PIA changed what username and password you use.   It needs to be the username and password that you use to log into their website, not the PPTP/L2TP/SOCKS Username and Password.

  2. I/O error when launching HandBrake.

    Hey, so my handbrake stopped working last night.   I have completely blown away the docker and started from scratch but that didn't help.   When i launch it, it just goes to a blank screen.   See below.   When I check the logs, it says " rfbProcessClientProtocolVersion: read: I/O error "

    Any ideas?






  3. I am trying to install ESXi on a Linux VM in unraid.   I have a Windows 10 VM working great.  Below is a snap of my settings and I followed Spaceinvader One's video, The problems and solutions of nested VMs in KVM on Unraid.


    ESX loads, I get to accepting whatever, then it gets to the below snap, Select a disk to install or upgrade.   I have tried installing to my cache, which is where I want it, other SATA drives in the array.   Below is a list of the locations I have tried.   What am I doing wrong?

    Linix4 - 1st Try - Primary vDisk Location set to auto (/mnt/user/domains/Linux4/vdisk1.img

    2nd try - Primary vDisk Location Disk3

    3rd try - Primary vDisk Location manual, /mnt/cache/domains/Linix for VIRL/

    4th try - Primary vDisk location Auto and added a share, /mnt/cache/domains/Linix for VIRL







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