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Posts posted by besch2410

  1. Rolled back to 6.10.3 and everything is fine. Definitely something related to the 6.11.0 upgrade. Not sure what though...


    [Edit] Well, I thought I was okay. Not so much. Back to receiving 1x of the original errors in the top post. No hardware/BIOS update, and libvirt IMG has been recreated. What the heck is going on?

  2. 1 hour ago, SimonF said:

    You dont need the nvidia driver if passing to a vm.


    I know. In did it just in case it was interacting with the GPU before libvirt starts (I have another GTX1060 in the system). In don't know what else to try at this point other than rolling back to 6.10.3.

  3. I went ahead and took the step of deleting libvirt.img and recreating one vm. No go.


    I then reboot and created a new vm from scratch (in this case a PopOS vm), everything went fine. Then I recreated a windows vm passing through the vdisk.img file and no usb/video devices. That was fine. Then I passed through USB devices; again, fine. Then I passed through my RTX3060, and it freezes the UI.


    It's clearly something to do with the Nvidia GPU. I did delete the Nvidia driver and redownload per ich777's recommendation on page 91 here:



  4. After upgrading to 6.11.0 (possibly unrelated to this issue), I restarted the Unraid host, and am now unable to boot VM's due to the following error in the libvirt log:


    2022-09-26 14:12:50.277+0000: 16995: error : virPCIVPDParseVPDLargeResourceString:631 : internal error: Could not read a part of a resource - VPD has invalid format
    2022-09-26 14:13:39.980+0000: 16904: error : virPCIVPDParseVPDLargeResourceString:631 : internal error: Could not read a part of a resource - VPD has invalid format
    2022-09-26 14:13:40.515+0000: 16901: error : virPCIVPDParseVPDLargeResourceString:631 : internal error: Could not read a part of a resource - VPD has invalid format


    A Googling of this error isn't yielding any results related to this issue. Is the next step here to try and replace libvirt.img?


    I do have a USB controller passed through to 2 of the 3 VM's. Should I try unbinding that device first via System Devices and rebooting to see if libvirt can start?



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