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Posts posted by colincoates

  1. Hi,

    I've done a NMAP vulners scan on my network and picking up loads of vulnerabilities in tomcat 8.5.73.

    I noticed an update was made in github to automatically use the latest buid of tomcat.

    I've deleted my guacamole docker and redeployed, but it is still building with this version of tomcat.

    I believe 8.5.83 is now available.

    Any hints on how I can get it updated?



  2. Hi Guys,

    Don't suppose any of you have come across this issue?

    I've started to shut my server down in the evening when i'm not using it (power costs are getting out of hand) and Crashplan starts "Syncronising Block Information" every morning. The backups don't run while this is in progres. When it eventually finishes, it just about time to shut the server down again.

    Do you know if there is any way to change this behavior? Maybe a way to cleanly shut down CP before shutting down the server, or some configuration option that I'm missing?

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