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Posts posted by Spotswood

  1. 7 hours ago, je82 said:

    My dream chassi for unraid would be a Lian Li D600, it has 9 front 5.2 which you can convert into 3x5 3.5mm hotswap slots, so just that is 15 hdds for hotswap, then if you modify the chassi internally i believe you can get a 15+ hdd cage into the chassi behind the motherboard section, which means you have a chassi that has 15 hotswap drives, 15 internal drives with great cooling and also amazing looks.


    I found some guy in texas who had the D600 chassi new but he wanted 1100$ for it, i simply could not do it because i am not 100% certain i could do the modfiication needed to add the internal hdd's but i am very sure it is pretty easy to do.


    Here's an image of the chassi:


    here is the inside compartment where you could modify to add more hdd's with a self built hdd cage ( behind the motherboard )



    That Lian Li case looks to be a bit shallow.  The Thermaltake Core W200 looks big enough.



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