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Posts posted by cb

  1. Hi, even it's a very old thread i have to thanks Joe L. ! After three times it's save me from wait the auto unlock of files... (unraid 6.11.1 here, unraid hang while move is in action with shfs very high cpu usage, as a result some open files are blocked)


  2. Thanks for your help but in the meantime i have uninstall my 3 plugins :

    community.applications.plg - 2022.07.26 
    unassigned.devices.plg - 2022.07.12  
    unassigned.devices.preclear.plg - 2022.07.29 

    I checked inside flash/config/plugins and discover a directory which is i think "my old" preclear plugin installed outside CA long time ago. I've delete this directory, reinstall the 3 plugins and now it's ok.


  3. Hi, JFYI with the last update i have "Fatal error: Cannot declare class TMUX, because the name is already in use in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/preclear.disk/assets/lib.php on line 15" on the MAIN tab in 6.11.0-rc2, what causes empty lists. 

    Am I the only one or is there a tip ? (reinstall 2 times with unraid reboot but still the same, web navigator refresh).


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