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Posts posted by Nativedude

  1. Hey binhex

    Got a problem with both deluge & sabnzbd


    Both are showing the following errors in the logs


    2016-04-09 18:03:56,256 DEBG 'start' stdout output:

    [info] iptable_mangle module not supported, attempting to load...


    2016-04-09 18:03:56,259 DEBG 'start' stderr output:

    modprobe: FATAL: Module iptable_mangle not found in directory /lib/modules/4.4.6-unRAID


    2016-04-09 18:03:56,259 DEBG 'start' stdout output:

    [warn] iptable_mangle module not supported, you will not be able to connect to SABnzbd webui or Privoxy outside of your LAN


    2016-04-09 18:03:56,311 DEBG 'start' stdout output:

    [info] iptables defined as follows...



    I've tried deleting and repulling the images and rebuilding configs with no luck

    Both will work just fine if I disable the VPN but neither are accessible with VPN enabled



    NVM, did some more digging

    Didn't realize this was pulled from the local filesystem

    that module is missing from the directory so trying to get it back now


  2. Hey guys,

    So since coppit's mumble server wasn't working for me I decided to build one myself.

    Pretty new to both building dockers and git so was a nice few hour exercise.

    Really the mumble is a shameless rip of both coppit's & abhid's scripts mashed together to get it to work with unRaid's webui but hey it works.




    Just add that and start it up.

    SU password for the mumble-server is printed in the log.


    No idea if I'll be updating this much.

    I barely even use the mumble server itself, just kinda wanted to see if I could do it and share the results.


    Holla if yall have any questions, comments, or concerns.




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