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Posts posted by techie1298

  1. Continuing to try to get the data back, I attempted to create a new config, and the bad drive won't mount when the array is started. When trying to do and xfs_repair, here's the output:


    root@MEDIA-CENTRAL:~# xfs_repair -v -L /dev/sdm
    Phase 1 - find and verify superblock...
    bad primary superblock - bad magic number !!!

    attempting to find secondary superblock...
    .found candidate secondary superblock...
    superblock read failed, offset 4000786989056, size 131072, ag 4, rval 40960

    fatal error -- Inappropriate ioctl for device


    Is this drive truly dead? If so, it failed after the parity sync of the new drive, how could the data have been lost?

  2. Long story short, my parity drive was starting to show signs of issues and I was planning un upping the size of drives, so I replaced the 8TB with a 14TB. Parity sync completed, and the next day, another drive, an older 4TB, started showing signs of problems. I rebooted the server to replace that drive with another 14TB, and now it seems the data on that drive has not been restored. I thought I'd put the 4TB back in it's slot in the array to try to repair the drive, and now I can't restart the array because it's saying the replacement drive is too small.


    Is there anything I can do or am I just completely out of luck and have lost the data on that drive? I tried running Paragon Linux File System to see the contents of the drive, but it wont mount.


    I've rebooted the server, so the logs are useless I'm guessing.... I'm really hoping I didn't lose 4TB of data from the server.

  3. So I feel like a bit of an idiot since I can't find anybody else mentioning the same problem. I can't get the plugin to install. I keep getting this error: Warning: mkdir(): Read-only file system in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin on line 235, and I don't know what to do. I'm definitely a NOOB when it comes to working with anything other than the GUI, how do I get around this? My system was upgraded to the official 6.0 after running the beta, and I have everything else I need working, including VM's and several Docker applications. Any help to get Community Applications installed would be greatly appreciated, sorry for the NOOB trouble, and TYIA!

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