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Posts posted by korack

  1. That is however a pretty generic error.


    - "Couldn't listen on any:/config/config/etc/sock/sagent:"

    Im guessing since something else dosent start the directory is empty and that throws the error.



    I just ran the './usr/local/openvpn_as/bin/ovpn-init' script and i noticed that permissions get a bit wonky since it gets run as root, had to do a chmod -r 777 on the unRAID share.


    I just figured out my issue... I reread the whole thread a couple times...


    I was mapping /config to "/mnt/user/appdata/openvpn"

    When I changed to "/mnt/cache/appdata/openvpn" it worked.

  2. Sorry for the late reply, sitting in the only hotel with internet so far on My Summer travels, If the web docent work try port 993  or 443 (check openvpn HomePage) sorry for the wierd autocorrection.  Best bet IF web ui docent work is Old config (then clear IT) or the port is already in use (SSH to unraid and do a "PS -aux" And post IT.


    I bet this post loks like mess sitting on what could be the only iPad in Vietnam, however maby i sould change the default ui port?(same for SSL connections as web ui,or kinda booth works as default) And make the admin name changeable insteead Of "openvpn"?.


    Best Regards




    PS. Post or mess the docker log right click and log.


    I'm having issues with the OpenVPN WebUI. I've cleared the old config, re-installed multiple times. Based on the openvpn.log it seems to be in a continual restart loop. It worked for a couple days prior to failing.  I've tried many things including removing and re-downloading with a clean install path.


    I even tried the SQL commands but it didn't help. I'm not sure I understand what they are trying to change.


    Any other ideas?




    Looks like openvpn cant get access to an interface or a port is in use.


    Is Networktype set to"host" and Privileged ticked?

    Is anything useing ports, 443 943 1194? ssh and "ps -aux"


    Are you as the other guys running bonding on your network interfaces?


    The sql commands change what default interface the openvpn deamon etc listens on, shouldent be needed to fiddle with that thou, not completly sure but think by reconfiguring openvpn-as with the built in script should yield the same results.


    - Enter the running container with 'docker exec -i -t <ID> /bin/bash'

    - Run: './usr/local/openvpn_as/bin/ovpn-init' and configure it as you want.




    That's cool info.  I understand a little more about the docker. I was able to get to the shell within open-vpn and run the configuration (ovpn-init). But still a no-go. I tried a few different configurations. I changed the port from 943 to 5943 with no luck. Neither'> or work with the updated port configuration. I also tried br0 and eth0 with no luck.


    It's generated 82M of logs in less than an hour. Seems like a python or socks issue:

    2015-08-13 14:00:45-0600 [-] Server agent initialization failed: Couldn't listen on any:/config/config/etc/sock/sagent: [Errno 38] Function not implemented.: sagent/svcset:147,sagent/svcset:626,sagent/svcset:549,sagent/svcset:482,sagent/svcset:464,application/service:185,application/service:304,application/internet:85,application/internet:116,internet/posixbase:314,internet/unix:91 (twisted.internet.error.CannotListenError).


    I will do some more investigation now that I can get a command line within the docker.


    I'll share my findings.


  3. Sorry for the late reply, sitting in the only hotel with internet so far on My Summer travels, If the web docent work try port 993  or 443 (check openvpn HomePage) sorry for the wierd autocorrection.  Best bet IF web ui docent work is Old config (then clear IT) or the port is already in use (SSH to unraid and do a "PS -aux" And post IT.


    I bet this post loks like mess sitting on what could be the only iPad in Vietnam, however maby i sould change the default ui port?(same for SSL connections as web ui,or kinda booth works as default) And make the admin name changeable insteead Of "openvpn"?.


    Best Regards




    PS. Post or mess the docker log right click and log.


    I'm having issues with the OpenVPN WebUI. I've cleared the old config, re-installed multiple times. Based on the openvpn.log it seems to be in a continual restart loop. It worked for a couple days prior to failing.  I've tried many things including removing and re-downloading with a clean install path.


    I even tried the SQL commands but it didn't help. I'm not sure I understand what they are trying to change.


    Any other ideas?




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