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Posts posted by Everend

  1. I use dropbox (free) to copy photos off our phones and every few weeks drag/drop copy photos from dropbox folder to an unraid folder.   I have an old version of google Picasa 3 (last windows / non-cloud) version of google photos.  I saw dkerlee's other post referencing PhotoPrism.  That windows machine is about to go away so I'm looking for a new option. 

  2. Even if we have a mini-PC for surfing, is it a thing to create a VM and somehow surf through that to protect / isolate the mini-PC from malicious sites?   My current hardware doesn't support VMs so I don't have experience with them at all.   
    If I have keyboard, mouse, monitor plugged into the Unraid machine then VM would work the same as a family PC.  But if they are in the other room, can I do that? 

    With non-tech wife/kids do I want to bother with VM or is that just making things too complicated?  I could get an 2-3 year old workstation mini-computer for $100 or even a new one for $200-300 and just keep it simple.  The one I'm replacing is 12+ years old so any kind of upgrade is going to be drastic.


    2009 unraid is still working... some mkv files are not playing through emby to FireTV anymore.  I suspect a codex type issue since I can play the file using VLC on Win10 but haven't tried anything else.   I want to get the bigger / faster CPU, memory and HDDs so when I start working on this, recoding files or whatever, it doesn't take 5 years to process.

  3. I'm sleeping in the same room as my PCs, I'm getting tired of the lights and fans.  I have an Unraid ATX and another ATX machine as the family PC both from about 2009. I'm preparing to build new unraid system with more power and move it to another room.   The old unraid &/or the old PC will become an off-site backup server. 


    For the family PC should I get a mini-PC or build a passive cooled itx OR create a VM for them to surf the web?


    I'm considering i5 or i7 12th gen for the unraid system.  So I'll have extra cpu/memory for creating a vm but if it's in the other room, I'll need to route hdmi cable to the monitor. Maybe wireless mouse will reach through walls or extension usb cable to unify dongle set next to the monitor. 


    With a family PC they can power cycle it without me...

    With a VM I can remote manage from work  through VPN...

  4. Install worked well but have trouble changing the admin password.  The new password works as well as the old default password.  Seems this is a known issue from a couple years ago, still looking for the resolution.


    Edit: This seems to be a resolution. https://github.com/airsonic/airsonic/issues/733#issuecomment-384286666  

    Edit: Problem solved.  within the WebUI, click on the user tab, select the admin user, click the add credentials checkbox to put in the new password. Then click on the Credentials tab and remove the old one from the list.

    • Like 1
  5. thanks wgstarks.  I did post there trying to figure out why it was hanging (no responses).  The question I posted here was intended to be more generic.. now that I have a hung docker that is not responding to stop and kill requests, what else can I do.  I ended up pulling the power on the machine and rebooting (without that docker).  

    It seems to me there should be a way of 'pulling the plug' on one or all dockers without needing to literally pull the power plug on the whole array.  But after a week of searching I couldn't find anything that worked. 

  6. I suspect the only entry in the ErrorLog that applies is the last one  

    1	Error in worker	System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
      at Duplicati.Server.Runner.Run (Duplicati.Server.Runner+IRunnerData data, System.Boolean fromQueue) [0x0062b] in <fe28905ee30b422e8d475f1cfdb85515>:0 
      at Duplicati.Server.Program+<>c.<RealMain>b__41_2 (Duplicati.Server.Runner+IRunnerData x) [0x00000] in <fe28905ee30b422e8d475f1cfdb85515>:0 
      at Duplicati.Library.Utility.WorkerThread`1[Tx].Runner () [0x00191] in <621233224d6648a0a1cd0bb505473fc4>:0 	1555297373

    When I reinstalled the docker yesterday it seemed to take a while to clear through some old/bad repair commands before it started scanning and trying to pick up the previously started Audiobooks folder backup.  So I think those first seven entries in the ErrorLog relate to an old command queue after the restart. 


    Also note; When the backup was running, I thought it was going VERY slow.

    The first time it ran 10hrs 30 min before freezing.  It created 7,440 files total 179 Gb ~5.09 Mbps

    The second time it ran 6 hrs 2 min before stopping, it created 1949 files total 47.7 Gb ~2.35 Mbps

  7. Where do I look to figure out what is going wrong?  



    I installed the docker on Saturday, created a backup job of my Audiobooks folder to an smb mounted share on another unraid server on the same network (eventually to be moved to dad's house once I get it working). After about 12 hrs of running this job it stopped creating backup files. I tried to restart the docker but it hung until after 5hrs I pushed the power button for 5sec unclean shutdown of unraid. After restarting, parity check clean, reinstalled the duplicati docker and tried to run the back up again. It ran for 12 hrs then stopped at 7am this morning. This time though I have not tried to stop/modify/etc the docker.  The duplicati GUI keeps trying to refresh, alternating between "Connection Lost. Connecting to server..." and "Connection to the server lost, retrying again in xxx sec"


    I can open a console into the docker and run ps command (I don't know many more) this seems to respond well.  So what command can I run to get good info?


    I had the UI on the verbose log but that just lists the source files as they are being scanned. 


    I downloaded DB Browser for SQLite and made a copy of the sqlite files changed chmod and found some 'log' entries in the .sqlite files but I don't recognize the values for the time/date or what info is being conveyed in the error logs in the sqlite file.  Anyone know what to look for in the db to locate the problem?


    The Metadata entry in the sqlite db says LastErrorDate    20190415T030252Z  LastErrorMessage    Thread was being aborted.   -- ah that doesn't seem very helpful.


    The ErrorLog entry in sqlite says

    1	Failed while executing "Backup" with id: 1	Duplicati.Library.Interface.UserInformationException: Found 7440 files that are missing from the remote storage, please run repair
      at Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.FilelistProcessor.VerifyRemoteList (Duplicati.Library.Main.BackendManager backend, Duplicati.Library.Main.Options options, Duplicati.Library.Main.Database.LocalDatabase database, Duplicati.Library.Main.IBackendWriter log, System.String protectedfile) [0x00203] in <c6c6871f516b48f59d88f9d731c3ea4d>:0 
      at Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.BackupHandler.PreBackupVerify (Duplicati.Library.Main.BackendManager backend, System.String protectedfile) [0x0010d] in <c6c6871f516b48f59d88f9d731c3ea4d>:0 
      at Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.BackupHandler.RunAsync (System.String[] sources, Duplicati.Library.Utility.IFilter filter) [0x01031] in <c6c6871f516b48f59d88f9d731c3ea4d>:0 
      at CoCoL.ChannelExtensions.WaitForTaskOrThrow (System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) [0x00050] in <6973ce2780de4b28aaa2c5ffc59993b1>:0 
      at Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.BackupHandler.Run (System.String[] sources, Duplicati.Library.Utility.IFilter filter) [0x00008] in <c6c6871f516b48f59d88f9d731c3ea4d>:0 
      at Duplicati.Library.Main.Controller+<>c__DisplayClass13_0.<Backup>b__0 (Duplicati.Library.Main.BackupResults result) [0x00035] in <c6c6871f516b48f59d88f9d731c3ea4d>:0 
      at Duplicati.Library.Main.Controller.RunAction[T] (T result, System.String[]& paths, Duplicati.Library.Utility.IFilter& filter, System.Action`1[T] method) [0x00271] in <c6c6871f516b48f59d88f9d731c3ea4d>:0 
      at Duplicati.Library.Main.Controller.Backup (System.String[] inputsources, Duplicati.Library.Utility.IFilter filter) [0x00068] in <c6c6871f516b48f59d88f9d731c3ea4d>:0 
      at Duplicati.Server.Runner.Run (Duplicati.Server.Runner+IRunnerData data, System.Boolean fromQueue) [0x00307] in <fe28905ee30b422e8d475f1cfdb85515>:0 	1555283838
    1	Failed while executing "Backup" with id: 1	Duplicati.Library.Interface.UserInformationException: Found 1 remote files that are not recorded in local storage, please run repair
      at Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.FilelistProcessor.VerifyRemoteList (Duplicati.Library.Main.BackendManager backend, Duplicati.Library.Main.Options options, Duplicati.Library.Main.Database.LocalDatabase database, Duplicati.Library.Main.IBackendWriter log, System.String protectedfile) [0x00104] in <c6c6871f516b48f59d88f9d731c3ea4d>:0 
      at Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.BackupHandler.PreBackupVerify (Duplicati.Library.Main.BackendManager backend, System.String protectedfile) [0x0010d] in <c6c6871f516b48f59d88f9d731c3ea4d>:0 
      at Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.BackupHandler.RunAsync (System.String[] sources, Duplicati.Library.Utility.IFilter filter) [0x01031] in <c6c6871f516b48f59d88f9d731c3ea4d>:0 
      at CoCoL.ChannelExtensions.WaitForTaskOrThrow (System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) [0x00050] in <6973ce2780de4b28aaa2c5ffc59993b1>:0 
      at Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.BackupHandler.Run (System.String[] sources, Duplicati.Library.Utility.IFilter filter) [0x00008] in <c6c6871f516b48f59d88f9d731c3ea4d>:0 
      at Duplicati.Library.Main.Controller+<>c__DisplayClass13_0.<Backup>b__0 (Duplicati.Library.Main.BackupResults result) [0x00035] in <c6c6871f516b48f59d88f9d731c3ea4d>:0 
      at Duplicati.Library.Main.Controller.RunAction[T] (T result, System.String[]& paths, Duplicati.Library.Utility.IFilter& filter, System.Action`1[T] method) [0x00271] in <c6c6871f516b48f59d88f9d731c3ea4d>:0 
      at Duplicati.Library.Main.Controller.Backup (System.String[] inputsources, Duplicati.Library.Utility.IFilter filter) [0x00068] in <c6c6871f516b48f59d88f9d731c3ea4d>:0 
      at Duplicati.Server.Runner.Run (Duplicati.Server.Runner+IRunnerData data, System.Boolean fromQueue) [0x00307] in <fe28905ee30b422e8d475f1cfdb85515>:0 	1555283952
    1	Failed while executing "Repair" with id: 1	System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
      at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Threading.WaitHandle.Wait_internal(intptr*,int,bool,int)
      at System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOneNative (System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle waitableSafeHandle, System.UInt32 millisecondsTimeout, System.Boolean hasThreadAffinity, System.Boolean exitContext) [0x00044] in <6649516e5b3542319fb262b421af0adb>:0 
      at System.Threading.WaitHandle.InternalWaitOne (System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle waitableSafeHandle, System.Int64 millisecondsTimeout, System.Boolean hasThreadAffinity, System.Boolean exitContext) [0x00014] in <6649516e5b3542319fb262b421af0adb>:0 
      at System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne (System.Int64 timeout, System.Boolean exitContext) [0x00000] in <6649516e5b3542319fb262b421af0adb>:0 
      at System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne (System.Int32 millisecondsTimeout, System.Boolean exitContext) [0x00019] in <6649516e5b3542319fb262b421af0adb>:0 
      at System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne () [0x00000] in <6649516e5b3542319fb262b421af0adb>:0 
      at Duplicati.Library.Main.BackendManager+FileEntryItem.WaitForComplete () [0x00000] in <c6c6871f516b48f59d88f9d731c3ea4d>:0 
      at Duplicati.Library.Main.BackendManager+FileEntryItem.Duplicati.Library.Main.BackendManager.IDownloadWaitHandle.Wait (System.String& hash, System.Int64& size) [0x00000] in <c6c6871f516b48f59d88f9d731c3ea4d>:0 
      at Duplicati.Library.Main.BackendManager.GetWithInfo (System.String remotename, System.Int64& size, System.String& hash) [0x00045] in <c6c6871f516b48f59d88f9d731c3ea4d>:0 
      at Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.RepairHandler.RunRepairRemote () [0x003da] in <c6c6871f516b48f59d88f9d731c3ea4d>:0 
      at Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.RepairHandler.Run (Duplicati.Library.Utility.IFilter filter) [0x0016e] in <c6c6871f516b48f59d88f9d731c3ea4d>:0 
      at Duplicati.Library.Main.Controller+<>c__DisplayClass17_0.<Repair>b__0 (Duplicati.Library.Main.RepairResults result) [0x0001c] in <c6c6871f516b48f59d88f9d731c3ea4d>:0 
      at Duplicati.Library.Main.Controller.RunAction[T] (T result, System.String[]& paths, Duplicati.Library.Utility.IFilter& filter, System.Action`1[T] method) [0x00271] in <c6c6871f516b48f59d88f9d731c3ea4d>:0 
      at Duplicati.Library.Main.Controller.RunAction[T] (T result, Duplicati.Library.Utility.IFilter& filter, System.Action`1[T] method) [0x00007] in <c6c6871f516b48f59d88f9d731c3ea4d>:0 
      at Duplicati.Library.Main.Controller.Repair (Duplicati.Library.Utility.IFilter filter) [0x0001a] in <c6c6871f516b48f59d88f9d731c3ea4d>:0 
      at Duplicati.Server.Runner.Run (Duplicati.Server.Runner+IRunnerData data, System.Boolean fromQueue) [0x0036b] in <fe28905ee30b422e8d475f1cfdb85515>:0 	1555297329
    1	Failed while executing "Repair" with id: 1	System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
      at Duplicati.Library.Main.Controller.RunAction[T] (T result, System.String[]& paths, Duplicati.Library.Utility.IFilter& filter, System.Action`1[T] method) [0x00239] in <c6c6871f516b48f59d88f9d731c3ea4d>:0 
      at Duplicati.Library.Main.Controller.RunAction[T] (T result, Duplicati.Library.Utility.IFilter& filter, System.Action`1[T] method) [0x00007] in <c6c6871f516b48f59d88f9d731c3ea4d>:0 
      at Duplicati.Library.Main.Controller.Repair (Duplicati.Library.Utility.IFilter filter) [0x0001a] in <c6c6871f516b48f59d88f9d731c3ea4d>:0 
      at Duplicati.Server.Runner.Run (Duplicati.Server.Runner+IRunnerData data, System.Boolean fromQueue) [0x0036b] in <fe28905ee30b422e8d475f1cfdb85515>:0 	1555297341
    1	Error in worker	System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
      at Duplicati.Server.Runner.Run (Duplicati.Server.Runner+IRunnerData data, System.Boolean fromQueue) [0x0062b] in <fe28905ee30b422e8d475f1cfdb85515>:0 
      at Duplicati.Server.Program+<>c.<RealMain>b__41_2 (Duplicati.Server.Runner+IRunnerData x) [0x00000] in <fe28905ee30b422e8d475f1cfdb85515>:0 
      at Duplicati.Library.Utility.WorkerThread`1[Tx].Runner () [0x00191] in <621233224d6648a0a1cd0bb505473fc4>:0 	1555297341
    1	Failed while executing "CreateReport" with id: 1	System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
      at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Object.__icall_wrapper_mono_threads_state_poll()
      at SharpCompress.Compressors.Deflate.DeflateManager.longest_match (System.Int32 cur_match) [0x000a7] in <e590b95deffd47918abc01584b2527c9>:0 
      at SharpCompress.Compressors.Deflate.DeflateManager.DeflateSlow (SharpCompress.Compressors.Deflate.FlushType flush) [0x00111] in <e590b95deffd47918abc01584b2527c9>:0 
      at SharpCompress.Compressors.Deflate.DeflateManager.Deflate (SharpCompress.Compressors.Deflate.FlushType flush) [0x0029c] in <e590b95deffd47918abc01584b2527c9>:0 
      at SharpCompress.Compressors.Deflate.ZlibCodec.Deflate (SharpCompress.Compressors.Deflate.FlushType flush) [0x00013] in <e590b95deffd47918abc01584b2527c9>:0 
      at SharpCompress.Compressors.Deflate.ZlibBaseStream.Write (System.Byte[] buffer, System.Int32 offset, System.Int32 count) [0x000b0] in <e590b95deffd47918abc01584b2527c9>:0 
      at SharpCompress.Compressors.Deflate.DeflateStream.Write (System.Byte[] buffer, System.Int32 offset, System.Int32 count) [0x00013] in <e590b95deffd47918abc01584b2527c9>:0 
      at SharpCompress.Writers.Zip.ZipWriter+ZipWritingStream.Write (System.Byte[] buffer, System.Int32 offset, System.Int32 count) [0x0005c] in <e590b95deffd47918abc01584b2527c9>:0 
      at Duplicati.Library.Utility.Utility.CopyStream (System.IO.Stream source, System.IO.Stream target, System.Boolean tryRewindSource, System.Byte[] buf) [0x0002f] in <621233224d6648a0a1cd0bb505473fc4>:0 
      at Duplicati.Library.Utility.Utility.CopyStream (System.IO.Stream source, System.IO.Stream target) [0x00000] in <621233224d6648a0a1cd0bb505473fc4>:0 
      at Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.CreateBugReportHandler.Run () [0x0018d] in <c6c6871f516b48f59d88f9d731c3ea4d>:0 
      at Duplicati.Library.Main.Controller+<>c__DisplayClass27_0.<CreateLogDatabase>b__0 (Duplicati.Library.Main.CreateLogDatabaseResults result) [0x00019] in <c6c6871f516b48f59d88f9d731c3ea4d>:0 
      at Duplicati.Library.Main.Controller.RunAction[T] (T result, System.String[]& paths, Duplicati.Library.Utility.IFilter& filter, System.Action`1[T] method) [0x00271] in <c6c6871f516b48f59d88f9d731c3ea4d>:0 
      at Duplicati.Library.Main.Controller.RunAction[T] (T result, System.String[]& paths, System.Action`1[T] method) [0x00002] in <c6c6871f516b48f59d88f9d731c3ea4d>:0 
      at Duplicati.Library.Main.Controller.CreateLogDatabase (System.String targetpath) [0x00023] in <c6c6871f516b48f59d88f9d731c3ea4d>:0 
      at Duplicati.Server.Runner.Run (Duplicati.Server.Runner+IRunnerData data, System.Boolean fromQueue) [0x00427] in <fe28905ee30b422e8d475f1cfdb85515>:0 	1555297358
    1	Failed while executing "Repair" with id: 1	System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
      at Duplicati.Library.Main.Controller.RunAction[T] (T result, System.String[]& paths, Duplicati.Library.Utility.IFilter& filter, System.Action`1[T] method) [0x00239] in <c6c6871f516b48f59d88f9d731c3ea4d>:0 
      at Duplicati.Library.Main.Controller.RunAction[T] (T result, Duplicati.Library.Utility.IFilter& filter, System.Action`1[T] method) [0x00007] in <c6c6871f516b48f59d88f9d731c3ea4d>:0 
      at Duplicati.Library.Main.Controller.Repair (Duplicati.Library.Utility.IFilter filter) [0x0001a] in <c6c6871f516b48f59d88f9d731c3ea4d>:0 
      at Duplicati.Server.Runner.Run (Duplicati.Server.Runner+IRunnerData data, System.Boolean fromQueue) [0x0036b] in <fe28905ee30b422e8d475f1cfdb85515>:0 	1555297372
    1	Error in worker	System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
      at Duplicati.Server.Runner.Run (Duplicati.Server.Runner+IRunnerData data, System.Boolean fromQueue) [0x0062b] in <fe28905ee30b422e8d475f1cfdb85515>:0 
      at Duplicati.Server.Program+<>c.<RealMain>b__41_2 (Duplicati.Server.Runner+IRunnerData x) [0x00000] in <fe28905ee30b422e8d475f1cfdb85515>:0 
      at Duplicati.Library.Utility.WorkerThread`1[Tx].Runner () [0x00191] in <621233224d6648a0a1cd0bb505473fc4>:0 	1555297373


  8. Yesterday I installed duplicati docker and set up one backup.  It started backing up to a mounted smb share on another unraid server, running over night.  I checked progress late this morning to find the duplicati GUI not responding. I tried to restart the docker in the unraid GUI, it just spins until I refresh, then shows it running still.  I logged into the server SSH and ran docker kill duplicati after a long time ^C to get back, docker ps still shows it running.  I found a few other posts in the forum talking about doing an unclean shutdown of the unraid server but since everything else on the server is running well that seems extreme. Another thread talked about recovering from this by removing the docker.img file and reinstalling everything (after unclean shutdown).  again too extreme.

    the duplicati docker log keeps repeating e":"can not get logs from container which is dead or marked for removal"}


    any suggestions?




  9. My first parity drive had yellow lines in the SMART report. Time for an upgrade, the new drive has precleared so tonight I'll add it to the parity but is the old parity drive dead or can I use it as a new data drive?  Below are the two lines in the smart report that are yellow in unraid.

    187 Reported_Uncorrect      -O--CK   095   095   000    -    5
    199 UDMA_CRC_Error_Count    -OSRCK   200   191   000    -    21


    I ran a preclear on this questionable seagate drive that completed successfully. Then ran SMART extended self-test: which "Completed without error"


    Attached are the unraid diagnostics and smart report.




    PS.  After adding the second 4tb parity drive that just passed preclear, I'll upgrade to latest version of unraid and dockers, etc.  Wanted to make sure I'm on solid drives before doing the upgrade.



  10. I've been using the MythTV docker (sparklyballs) for years.  It still works but I'm about to do a bunch of work on my server so I'm looking at options.  I'll be replacing a parity drive, switching from headless kodi /mariadb to emby server.  Still using a kodi front end. Upgrading unraid from 6.4.1 (currently 311 days uptime!) and installing nextcloud.


    Should I stick with the MythTV (if it ain't broke don't fix it)?  

    or try to figure out how to create a Linux VM to install MythTV on?

    or switch to TVHeadend (since it seems to be supported)?

    or is there another PVR that's more appropriate for recording TV from HDHomeRun iptv - we don't watch live very often, just record daily shows (Ellen, PBS, Sitcoms, SNL)

  11. Recycle bin doesn't seem to be working for me anymore.  I accidentally deleted a directory instead of a single file (from Win10 machine on share).  I went to the recycle bin folder to get it back but it was empty.  I checked the unraid gui and updated the plugin to the latest version and deleted another file but the bin is still empty.  Uninstalled and reinstalled the plugin, deleted a test file, the bin is still empty.  No on Unraid 6.4.1 with RecycleBin Plugin at 2018-03-21


    Any suggestions?


    If I click on the Recycle Bin icon on the Installed Plugins page, the gui tries to show http://tower/Settings/RecycleBin but nothing comes on the screen. It just shows that its loading something that never loads.


    I just scanned back to the previous page and see these symptoms have been discussed before.  mythtv is currently recording so once its done I'll try restarting samba and/or the array as mentioned, then I'll update this post.


    Edit: 05/11 - Tried the command suggestions, restarting samba. this didn't work. Restarting the server got hung on "Stopping Services" so now I'm deep into trying to figure out what else is wrong.

  12. No, I don't think so. Here's what I did so far with this docker...


    1. from the Apps tab, search for openvpn.

    2. Locate and click on the install icon for the Linuxserver.io version.

    3. per the spaceinvader's video I was following, verified the default settings were Host and Privileged: = on

    4. After the successful install message, click on the Docker tab. See the openvpn docker is running, then click on the WebUI

    5. Received the ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED message.

    6. Back on the docker tab, EDIT the docker, change the Network Type: to Bridge (from Host).

    7. Refresh the chrome tab

    8. At this point the unsecure message spaceinvader's video said would come up.


    Note: This is the first docker installed on this new unraid install.   


    Q: Can I continue to run openvpn on the Bridge network type?  Are there any considerations/issues for doing this?

    Q: Separate symptom which I expect is related.. I am still unable to use the Unassigned Devices plugin feature to "Add Remote SMB Share" found on the unRaid GUI "Main" tab.

    • Like 1
  13. I've had an Unraid server for a couple years, now I'm trying to build one for dad.  Unraid install went fine, created shares, disks, users, etc.

      First sign of trouble was trying to get windows to see an SMB share. after playing with it a while I did get it connected to a public share, I haven't attempted to make it private since getting it working at all.  

      Second sign of trouble was when I attempted to connect to Remote SMB share from Tower1 6.2.4 to Tower2 6.3.5 using the unassigned devices button.  "Search for Servers in Workgroup" finds tower2 but is unable to "Load Shares" (ie populate the available shares field list) It searches for ~60 sec then returns with nothing in the drop down list.  This still doesn't work.   I just tried going the other direction, from Tower2 to find Tower1.  First button finds the computer in Workgroup but the second doesn't find any shares.

      Third sign of trouble, I just installed OpenVPN (linuxserver.io) using all defaults on both Tower1 and Tower2 for the first time on each. After starting the docker, the WebUI won't come up on tower2.  It does come up on tower1.


    Please help identify what's wrong with Tower2 that I can't connect to it?


    I've verified the following.  verified USB is labeled UNRAID, restarted computer, docker and container, uninstalled and reinstalled openVPN. 


    I read in this thread that someone else was able to connect in Bridge mode https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/41631-support-linuxserverio-openvpn-as/?page=7 When I do the install in Host mode, then change it to bridge mode, the GUI does come up. 

  14. I found a program called zenmap and ran a scan, openvpn is trying to use 943 but this tool didn't discover it as an open port.  So why isn't it open, how can I make it open?







    Starting Nmap 7.60 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2018-01-13 15:22 Central Standard Time
    NSE: Loaded 146 scripts for scanning.
    NSE: Script Pre-scanning.
    Initiating NSE at 15:22
    Completed NSE at 15:22, 0.00s elapsed
    Initiating NSE at 15:22
    Completed NSE at 15:22, 0.00s elapsed
    Initiating ARP Ping Scan at 15:22
    Scanning [1 port]
    Completed ARP Ping Scan at 15:22, 0.14s elapsed (1 total hosts)
    Initiating Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 15:22
    Completed Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 15:22, 0.03s elapsed
    Initiating SYN Stealth Scan at 15:22
    Scanning [1000 ports]
    Discovered open port 445/tcp on
    Discovered open port 22/tcp on
    Discovered open port 139/tcp on
    Discovered open port 111/tcp on
    Discovered open port 23/tcp on
    Discovered open port 80/tcp on
    Discovered open port 21/tcp on
    Discovered open port 2049/tcp on
    Discovered open port 37/tcp on
    Completed SYN Stealth Scan at 15:22, 0.30s elapsed (1000 total ports)
    Initiating Service scan at 15:22
    Scanning 9 services on
    Completed Service scan at 15:23, 108.77s elapsed (9 services on 1 host)
    Initiating OS detection (try #1) against
    NSE: Script scanning
    Initiating NSE at 15:23


  15. Sorry, I knew that I should do that, but it was late and I forgot :) 


    The unraid GUI works fine from Win10 PC both Chrome and whatever MS is calling Internet Explorer these days.  Same results from Android cellphone on wifi. Both browsers and android pointing to openvpn gui ( is giving ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED message. 

    I was attempting to install openvpn on two unraid servers at the same time, following instructions here. I'd progressed to 2:14 into the video when Tower1 matched the video but Tower2 gave the ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED message.



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