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Posts posted by jrbiggs

  1. That worked!  Thank you!  I ended up needing to do a --rebuild-tree, which put a lot of files in a lost and found folder on the disk, but at least now I can go in and try to recover a lot of them.  It took a couple of days for it to go through the process, but now it looks like I can see all the folders/files in the Shares.  I'll now move all the folders from the disk with the reiserfs file system, which was the one with the issue, and then reformat it into xfs.  Thank you so much for your help!

  2. Has anyone run into the problem of not being able to see any of the files in various shares?  When I go to the "SHARES" tab, and click on view to see the files in that share, I get a message that says "No listing: Too many files."  I also can't see the files in Finder or Windows Explorer, or by using Krusader.  I know the files are there though, because when I view the files by looking at the files on the Disks, either on the "MAIN" tab or in Krusader, I can see them.  Also, for the video files, Plex can still access the files and play them.  Any ideas?

  3. I'm running into a similar issue as well.  I know my files are there because Plex can see and play video and picture files for example,  but I'm unable to see the files when trying to look at them through the "Shares" tab or when I look at the Shares in Krusader.  I can see them if I go straight to the Disks and view the files that way though on the "Main" tab.

  4. Thank you for that tip!  I'll do that.  Out of curiosity, what is the advantage to xfs over reiserfs or btrfs?  And maybe a dumb question, but I'm sure it's advisable to have all the disks on the array using the same file system, right?

  5. Thank you for your quick response.  There's actually 7 drives including Parity plus a cache drive.  I am certain they're all assigned correctly, so I went ahead and started the array.  I selected "Parity is already valid" and it seems to have worked.  Now I just need to re-install docker containers, which is fine.  Thank you for your help!


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  6. I have a USB drive that failed. I do have a backup, but it's UNRAID 6.1.9 that I tried to upgrade but now it won't boot.  If I installed the latest UNRAID OS on a new USB drive, and got the server booted up, can I assign the existing hard drives into slots without losing their data?  I've assigned the Parity drive without starting the array and there's a warning that says "All existing data on this device will be OVERWRITTEN when array is started."  


    Is there a way to avoid this or am I ok to assign all the data drives, start the array and then let the array re-build the parity drive?


    I appreciate any response!  Thank you!





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