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Posts posted by savestheday

  1. On 9/7/2016 at 8:42 PM, ken-ji said:

    sysctl is never run inside the docker; should be done on the host side.

    If you are getting this error running docker, considering adding the following to the /boot/config/go script near the start


    # configure sysctl
    /sbin/sysctl -p /boot/config/sysctl.conf



    then create a file /boot/config/sysctl.conf with contents





    you can use this in the cli to set and check without rebooting


    root@Tower:~# echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=100000 > /boot/config/sysctl.conf
    root@Tower:~# sysctl -p /boot/config/sysctl.conf



    so this was working up until 6.3.2 but now I am getting: "Unable to monitor entire Dropbox folder hierarchy. Please run "echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=100000 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf; sudo sysctl -p" and restart Dropbox to fix the problem." again in the logs. My GO file is setup correctly and I have the /boot/config/sysctl.conf correctly set. Any ideas?

  2. Using PIA with NZBGet after upgrading to 6.2.4 and it cannot resolve the VPN address. Other dockers with this PIA VPN are working. Anyone else seeing this?


    2016-11-07 10:04:20,423 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    Mon Nov 7 10:04:20 2016 RESOLVE: Cannot resolve host address: us-east.privateinternetaccess.com: Name or service not known


    This was an issue with experimental branch, but the master branch should be ok. Can you make sure you're on the newest image?


    If you're on the newest image, can you post the rest of your configuration so I can replicate? You can leave out the username/password.


    Thx for the quick reply! I will delete and re-create and see if that helps. I'll post the results!

  3. Using PIA with NZBGet after upgrading to 6.2.4 and it cannot resolve the VPN address. Other dockers with this PIA VPN are working. Anyone else seeing this?


    2016-11-07 10:04:20,423 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    Mon Nov 7 10:04:20 2016 RESOLVE: Cannot resolve host address: us-east.privateinternetaccess.com: Name or service not known

  4. Hi!


    Is there anyway that the Docker container can run this as part of its startup script?


    "Unable to monitor entire Dropbox folder hierarchy. Please run "echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=100000 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf; sudo sysctl -p" and restart Dropbox to fix the problem."



  5. Sure.


    docker exec -it UniFi /bin/bash
    cd /usr/lib/unifi
    rm keystore


    I was asked to confirm the removal. Once I restarted the Docker, the app data folder now had a full config (even tho I had not mapped that like I did previously).


    Btw, Ubiquiti has an article on how do this in a more official way (I used Keystore Explorer from a UBNT forum post)




    Forum post I used:




  6. Does anyone know how to upload your own keystore file to the UniFi 5 docker? It appears it's in the /usr/lib/unifi folder but the only folder thats mapped /var/lib/unifi


    If I map /usr/lib/unifi to a local folder the docker fails to start. Any idea on what I can do here?




    hmmm somehow it started working. I docker exec'd in, deleted the old keystore, restarted the Docker and it made me go through the setup again. It appears to be using my cert now. I really have no idea how I did this :)


    Hope it helps.  :D


    Thank you! I am going to try this now.


    I also saw that even though I have EDGE = 1 I can only install ownCloud 8.0.4 not the newest 8.1. Anyone able to install 8.1?


    It doesn't have EDGE feature, and I see no reference to 8.1 on https://www.owncloud.org/changelog/




    They mention 8.1 all over the manual. Weird.

    They're anticipating a future release.


    Ok sorry for the confusion!

  8. Does anyone have a reverse proxy working for OwnCloud? I've edited config.php as per OwnCloud's suggestions but no luck with my Apache Reverse Proxy.


     'overwritehost' => 'domain.com:5880',
      'overwriteprotocol' => 'https',
      'overwritewebroot' => '/owncloud',
      "overwritecondaddr" => "^192\.168\.0\.2$",


    So I then tried to do it via good old port forwarding and it works but I can't upload my domain's certificate. Is there a way you can expose the Apache/NGINX config for Owncloud so I can setup my own certificates? Thank you!



    Ended up renaming the certs to match the default certificates of server.key & server.pem. That seems to have worked.

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