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Posts posted by drexil7

  1. On 5/19/2019 at 7:41 PM, drexil7 said:

    I seem to have some data spillage.  I am assuming when VPN is disabled.   Any chance there is a setting i am missing?   have vpn enabled.  using air vpn


    On 5/20/2019 at 3:44 AM, binhex said:

    im assuming you mean ip leakage right?, unless you have set vpn_enabled to 'no' then there will be no ip leakage, what makes you think you have ip leakage occurring?.

    The letter I received from the ISP.  I definately have not set it to no.  

  2. Thanks,

    I will keep at it.  Yeah its Unraid and no firewall or anything like that.  It is very odd. i removed the directory and pulled docker back down and it works. there i something in the DB that it doesnt like or something.  Going to post in sonarr but am basically adding back config one thing at a time trying to figure out what caused it.  Again, thanks for the dockers and your time.

  3. Just found your dockers and love them.  Moved all my download stuff from a windows box where they have sat for 3 years and onto dockers on my unraid box.  So far I have been really impressed.  The only issue is that sonarr gui will not accept connections after it is restarted.  I get it all configured and its happy and working.  Reboot the server or stop and start the array and it starts rejecting connections.


    It SEEMS to be listening

    root@Hypnotoad:/mnt/user/appdata/binhex-sonarr/logs# netstat -an | grep 8082

    tcp        0      0  *              LISTEN


    and when i check logs after startup it doesnt show any errors that just jump out


    17-1-17 10:47:27.0|Info|AppFolderInfo|Data directory is being overridden to [/config]

    17-1-17 10:47:27.3|Info|MigrationLogger|*** Migrating data source=/config/nzbdrone.db;cache size=-10485760;datetimekind=Utc;journal mode=Wal;pooling=True;version=3 ***

    17-1-17 10:47:27.5|Info|MigrationLogger|*** Migrating data source=/config/logs.db;cache size=-10485760;datetimekind=Utc;journal mode=Wal;pooling=True;version=3 ***

    17-1-17 10:47:27.5|Info|Router|Application mode: Interactive

    17-1-17 10:47:27.5|Info|OwinHostController|Listening on the following URLs:

    17-1-17 10:47:27.5|Info|OwinHostController|  http://*:8082/

    17-1-17 10:47:27.7|Info|NancyBootstrapper|Starting NzbDrone API

    17-1-17 10:51:28.6|Info|RssSyncService|Starting RSS Sync

    17-1-17 10:51:52.1|Info|DownloadDecisionMaker|Processing 714 releases

    17-1-17 10:52:03.5|Info|RssSyncService|RSS Sync Completed. Reports found: 714, Reports grabbed: 0, Reports pending: 19


    But just refuses connections

    I am waiting to see if it is just that slow to finish loading but i can not imagine it would be. 

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