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Posts posted by tomhoover

  1. On 5/12/2018 at 9:54 PM, dmacias said:
    On 5/12/2018 at 1:48 PM, tomhoover said:
    I previously used the mosh server plugin at https://github.com/coppit/unraid-mosh; however, it seems to have stopped working with unRAID 6.5. Would you consider adding mosh server to NerdPack?

    I added protobuf and mosh. You will also need to install perl and utempter.


    I installed protobuf and mosh on my unRAID server (I already had perl and utempter installed). When I attempt to login using mosh, I receive the following error:


    mosh-server: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.1.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


    Do you have any ideas?

  2. As several others have reported over the past couple of days, I'm also getting a 'Call Traces found on your server' error reported by fix.common.problems. It seems unusual that several have reported identical errors since upgrading to unRAID 6.3.1. Does anyone have any ideas? (This is a server that been running unRAID for several years without issue.) I've attached diagnostics.


    Thanks in advance!


  3. PS. If anyone's interested in checking how big their logs are, type this in the unraid terminal and it will list the largest logs:

    du -ah /var/lib/docker/containers/ | grep -v "/$" | sort -rh | head -60


    Thanks for the command line to locate the runaway log file. I'm new to docker, and incorrectly assumed the logs were within the docker container itself. I tried searching around inside my BitTorrent Sync container (by running the 'docker exec -it Sync bash' command), but couldn't find the problem. I'm syncing so many files with BTSync, that the log would grow to 50GB during the initial "indexing" after starting BTSync. Thanks to you, I finally figured out what was happening and modified my Sync template to include '--log-driver=none' on the startup command line. I've lost my BTSync logs for now, but I no longer have to keep growing my docker.img size to accommodate my increased use of BTSync. Thanks!

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