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Posts posted by jnheinz

  1. Is there a way to gracefully terminate an unBALANCE job in progress?


    Hi jnheinz, well gracefully isn't possible.


    I'd do


    killall rsync
    killall unbalance


    You'd be left with a partially copied folder.


    The log will tell you which folders were copied and which one was in progress.


    Then you'd have to do some manual tending after (delete the partially copied folder on the target disk maybe?)


    Ok, thanks.  I will probably hold off.  Thank you for this plug-in, it has been very helpful.


    Unrelated question, I'll lay out the scenario to see if this is something unBALANCE can handle.


    I have a share called TV shows that is roughly 5TB in size, spread out amongst about 6 disks currently.  I have three 2TB disks that are empty that I would like to migrate these shows to.  However, I do want to observe the correct split level.. which is keeping the entire series together, so I have it set to split the top level only now.  I don't think it was set this way when it was originally copied, so the data has ended up everywhere.  In unBALANCE, If I go through each source disk with tvshows selected & select the 3 target disks.. Does it observe the split level?  Or will I need to split manually?  Am I better off moving them all out of the share & back in?  Looking for the most efficient approach to this.

  2. Dumb question.. if I change the Included Disks from All Disks to Disk 20 on a share that is currently spread on Disks 1, 13, & 22.. Will just new data go to Disk 20 & the old data on Disks 1, 13 & 22 still be accessible?  It doesn't actually move all the data to Disk 20 does it?  Just talking about the settings of a Share.  Thank you for this plug-in, it helps me move stuff around.

  3. So update:

    Did some more reading and found this GEM of a post http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=34872.msg325436#msg325436


    Basically, enabled bridging on main network and called it green0 (bonding was disabled)


    putty in via ssh


    ifconfig -a

    ++ here I see eth0 is my main nic with an IP, eth1 has no IP ++

    brctl show

    ++ I can see green0 has both eth0 & eth1 ++


    brctl delif green0 eth1


    ++ start new bridge ++

    brctl addbr red0

    brctl stp red0 on

    brctl addif red0 eth1

    ifconfig eth1 up

    ifconfig red0 up


    Now from here it was as easy as making a new VM and choosing green0 for the network and red0 for the WAN. No PCI stuff.


    Then after it all worked I added the config to the go file (check the link). I added delif eth1 from green0 just incase it was being added elsewhere.


    Quick reboot, manual start of the array and everything came up fine!


    Now I know this isnt hardware level passing through but it actually gets me up and running and now I can still have the gpu in my only pcie slot to enable a htpc type VM with HDMI.


    This little HP Gen8 microserver is kicking arse!


    I am about to run through his stuff using a quad-port NIC.  I think you skipped the MAC address & NIC model configuration.. So it likely presented your NICs to pfSense as Realtek (which suck for BSD).  If you use e1000 in his example, I don't think the checksum offloading should be an issue.

  4. Sorry, I'm not sure about the defaults anymore (because I run all my shares secured for user/password access)

    Here's my recommended fix for you:

    • From a terminal, get the uid of your user

    # id ken-ji
    uid=0(ken-ji) gid=100(users) groups=100(users)

    Typically it will be 100

    • Make sure Dropbox docker is stopped.

    • Execute

    # chown -Rv uid:users /mnt/user/appdata/Dropbox/*


    uid = with the uid value (or your username)

    /mnt/user/appdata/Dropbox/ - replace with where your dropbox folders are (Dropbox, .dropbox-dist, .dropbox), in my case, they are all under /mnt/user/appdata/Dropbox

    You can specify all three folders separated by space in the command

    • Modify the docker settings, and set the environment variables:



    • Startup the docker, it should work then.

    If you don't feel comfortable, you can destroy all the folders, and restart the docker from scratch, but make sure to set the environment variables before the first start of the docker.


    Thank you sir, this helped a lot.  I was fighting permissions issues.  Excellent docker, thank you for your work.

  5. I stumbled over this thread while searching Google for WHY on Earth my DNS servers kept getting changed in UnRAID 6 (latest).  I am a new UnRAID Pro user, but I am no newbie to Linux.  My /boot/config/network.cfg looked good ->


    # Generated settings:

















    My Settings/Network & resolv.conf was continually populating with my ISP's DNS server, two Google DNS servers & two Google IPv6 DNS servers in different orders every time.  I said what the HECK!  So, I started investigating if UnRAID was even IPv6-enabled, which it appears it is not.  No big deal there.  Then, I hit this thread.. which lead me to the devil-child known as resolv.conf.avahi.  It was showing the correct DNS server configuration!  Avahi!  I happen to have a pfSense router with Avahi enabled & am connected via OpenVPN to my parent's pfSense Router which has Avahi enabled.  Apparently, Avahi is advertising mDNS servers and Avahi is injecting them into our resolv.conf in UnRAID.


    I have disabled Avahi in my /boot/config/share.cfg file & disabled AFP on UnRAID.  Problem resolved. & stick after a reboot now.  The reason I stumbled over all of this is because I could not join my Active Directory domain, the DNS servers in the GUI would not stick after I hit Apply.  Now I can join the Active Directory domain.


    I would recommend that some form of control be integrated into the GUI for Avahi if UnRAID is going to utilize it.  I would imagine this is a happening to any users with Avahi in their environment.

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