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Posts posted by aaomidi

  1. On 3/24/2020 at 12:36 AM, bonienl said:

    The firewall function on the WG tunnel can only deny/permit access to devices other than Unraid itself.


    That makes complete sense. Not sure why I didn't realize that would be the case.


    Although I think with some extra IPTables rules you can probably block it from accessing the actual Unraid UI instance and just let it access the WG interface.


    Essentially no WG interface -> Unraid internal communications, no?

  2. I've set up a wireguard remote tunneled access on my unraid server, and I've set the Local tunnel firewall to


    However, from my phone I'm still able to access the Unraid UI on when I'm connected to the WG tunnel


    Any ideas?

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