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Posts posted by henkall

  1. 4 minutes ago, cbr600ds2 said:

    This isn't the docker that's created by coolasice, right?   T

    My image is forked from romancin/tinymediamanager-docker github and customised a bit. coolasice image is as far as i know also forked from romancin/tinymediamanager-docker github and that is why they look similar. I have not looked very much at coolasice image so I don't really know what he has customised.

  2. 8 minutes ago, cbr600ds2 said:

    Now that TMM has went to a pay structure did that have an effect on the container?

    Sent from my LM-V405 using Tapatalk

    No not yet. :)
    Just don't click on the update button in the upper right corner. Then you should be fine.

    The container should stay on version 3.

     By the way please use the henkallsn/tinymediamanager image instad of the henkallsn/tinymediamanager3_nightly

    I have renamed it because it is not using the nightly builds anymore.

  3. 11 minutes ago, CoZ said:


    That was indeed missing out of the docker all together.  I've since added them but haven't had a chance to test out if that was the issue.  Thank you though.


    It would be nice if there was an option to move those .tobedeleted folders to somewhere else other than the /Movies & /TVShows shares or, just disable that feature entirely.

    By the way there is also a other envirement that can be used but I have not used it before. "UMASK" 



    Mask that controls how file permissions are set for newly created files.


    You can read more about it on https://hub.docker.com/r/henkallsn/tinymediamanager3_nightly documentation.

  4. 2 hours ago, CoZ said:

    Yup, that's checked - to delete on every shutdown.  Except, it won't delete.  Stopping the docker / restarting the docker - makes no difference, it won't go away.  I'm also unable to delete the folders from my networked shares using Win10,etc.  Some kind of 'permission' error.  Only way to delete 'em manually is by launching Krusader via VNC

    On the docker there is the "USER_ID" and "GROUP_ID" envirements. If you set them to the same id as the user you use to the windows share you maybe will get the right permissions. You will also have to show hidden files in your Windows 10.


    Hope this was helpfull. :)

  5. Sorry for diging this old thread up again but can anybody point me in the right direction to where I can find a working docker to TinyMediaManager?



    I have put in a issue on github telling the creator how to fix this. The dockerfile points to a dead link of tmm.


    Update 2:

    Sorry for ripping open this old threat but just want to say that I have made my own docker based on his and it is running the latest version of tinymediamanager. You can get it by searching for this: henkallsn/tinymediamanager3_nightly

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