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Posts posted by dschwendner

  1. I've the same problem, too


    I need some help.


    I was using one of the other owncloud docker containers before but i like the one by gfjardim as it allows me to seperate the appdata and the userdata.  The problem i am having is that i have scripts and process that drop files in the file system.  Owncloud isnt picking them up.  I the other contain i would just execute the following command


    sudo -u www-data php occ  files:scan --all

    The issue is sudo isnt installed in the container and if i install it the command will just vanish with the next update.  the problem is the command needs to be executed by the owner of the config.php



    the other option was crontab but it isnt installed either.




    also how do i enable https?

  2. I've recently installed owncloud on my unraid server. I want to access my owncloud folder by the web UI but also as a network share. But there is a problem. I haven't got the permission to create folders or upload files to this data folder by using a network share. I can only write files through the web UI. Is there any way to change this?

    Thank you

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