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Posts posted by MagicSG1

  1. 5 hours ago, luigi408 said:


    I asked about this error in the Plex since I’m not the only one having it. No help yet. They don’t see the error in my Plex logs. 

    Seems like its just you and me at the minute chief. Been at it for 3 days trying to sort it but to no avail. Ive moved to Emby for now. Not as "clean" but at least it works.

  2. 4 hours ago, Gog said:

    Have you tried to go in the sonarr container and see what's visible?


    I don't know how familiar you are with the CLI but you could try this from a putty session:

    docker exec -it Sonarr bash
    cd /data/complete/tv
    ls -al


    Will have a look when I get home. Thanks for taking the time. 

  3. 6 hours ago, bobbintb said:

    MagicSG1, do you have a folder in UnRAID named /mnt/cache/Downloads/complete/tv? Make sure you pay special attention to the 's' on 'Downloads'. Sometimes people don't notice a download/downloads mis-match



    No, unfortunately that doesn't seem to be it. ?

  4. Guys I've got a weird problem and I cant spot where my mistake is. Sonarr is all of a sudden refusing to move my shows. It gives me an error saying the path does not exist. Now I can move them manually myself but thats not really the point now is it. Can anyone see where Ive went wrong? Can't see it whatsoever. Would anyone be able to help?2.thumb.png.bcbda42889977ed4708c6499d06d786d.png2.thumb.png.e5693151180d7bb09b4eabba55c8cc77.png

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