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Posts posted by lespaul

  1. On 3/6/2018 at 5:13 PM, Nickglott said:

    Hello all,


    So I am in the process of securing my sevrer with SSL. Currently I have everything configured with letsencrypt and works. My only problem I seem to have is Emby. It works and it forwards http to https, the cert is good and everything works and loads but it is horribly slow. Not going through Nginx (straight ip+ssl port) it works just as expected except obviously an invalid cert from missing domain. So the problem has to lie within Nginx and/or the reverse proxy. Any help would be greatly appreciated and am wondering if anyone else has been having any issues like this.



    Having the same issue myself. emby is running very slow. Unfortunately I don't have a solution yet.

  2. I upgraded to 6.4 and it screwed up my reverse proxy setup after adding the new cert to unraid itself. I saw earlier in this thread the suggestion to give the letsencrypt docker its own IP and to forward 443 to the new IP.


    This fixed it not loading, but I still couldn't access some of my dockers (emby, ubooquity, etc) via my duckdns reverse proxy. I then found that giving each docker its own IP address and updating the "nginx\site-confs\default" file with the new addresses fixed the issue. Is this the "correct" way of doing things or is there a better way? 

  3. Is there a way to change the autowatch frequency? It seems to be random in how long it will take to grab a torrent from my watch folder. Sometimes it's a few minutes, and other times it's 10 minutes or more..


    edit: answered my own question. first:

    docker exec -i -t rutorrent bash


    vi /var/www/localhost/rutorrent/plugins/autotools/conf.php

    Change $autowatch_interval = 300; to whatever you want. I changed mine to 30 seconds.




     to save. 


    This setting will survive a container restart, but it will revert back to 300 seconds anytime the container is updated or if you edit container settings so you'll need to do these steps again in those situations.




    • Upvote 1
  4. Anyone else getting


    find: '/tmp/.preclear/' : No such file or directory


    error after upgrading the plugin?


    Also getting this error after upgrading plugin on 6.2rc3


    I am getting this as well. I'm on 6.2rc4

  5. No it's no solved , same issue for transmission.



    Skickat från min iPhone med Tapatalk




    I added a trailing slash at the end of /rutorrent in the config and it seems to be working now. I tested from my phone  disconnected from the wifi and also from my computer connected to a vpn. Hope it fixes your issue as well.


    location /rutorrent/ {

  6. I have got reverse proxy to work, but rutorrent page looks strange? it' the same on other as well, but sabnzbd is OK.


    my settings for rutorrent


     location /rutorrent {
                    auth_basic "Restricted";
                    auth_basic_user_file /config/nginx/.htpasswd;
                    proxy_set_header Authorization "Basic zyz1230";
                    rewrite ^/rutorrent(/.*)$ $1 break;
                    include /config/nginx/proxy.conf;



    Did you ever solve this? I'm having the same issue.

  7. Just updated to 6.2rc4. I was running 6.1.9. I previously had my docker.img and appdata on an SSD mounted with the unassigned devices plugin. The docker.img is not recognized now. I tried deleting it and recreating but it would not create a docker.img on the ssd. I put in the path to the ssd, click apply, and nothing happens.


    I tried creating a docker.img on the cache drive and it was successful. I deleted that image and tried again on the ssd, but no luck. I'd rather use the SSD for dockers, otherwise the cache drive stays spun up all the time because of the dockers I use.


    edit: I'm just going to use the SSD as a cache drive and add the former cache drive to the array.

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