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Posts posted by vampyre_masquerade

  1. Currently i have a Nginx Proxy Manager docker sitting on its own reverseproxy docker network, this does a port translate from 18443 to 443, within this network i have multiple dockers communicating through DNS on its own internal virtual switch. Now to get to NPM i have my router taking the DNS queries and sending them to a virtual IP on the router to port translate to 18443. 


    What id like to achieve is moving the reverseproxy docker network away from the host network bridge and give it a virtual bridge ip of say, this way i can just send the DNS resolutions straight to NPM with no forwards or port translations, NPM could operate on 443 and unraid could use 443 for webui. I also like the idea of having the images handled by NPM on its own network so i cant just give NPM the ip for this would remove the reverseproxy docker network.


    How i currently have it works fine, its just seems redundant and messy doing it this way.

  2. Hey


    After reading 35 page and eyes going a bit funny now i'm still lost as to what OpenVPN Client even does. Installed fine, took the ExpressVPN OVPN configs fine and started the VPN creating a TUN5 with a 10.x.x.x IP. Id say 90% of the posts in this thread are about the server plugin not the client plugin. what i wanted to do was replace the VPN connection my router has to ExpressVPN and set certain devices in my network (through DHCP) to point to the Unraid OpenVPN Client as the gateway to pipe their traffic through the VPN.


    So please correct me if i'm incorrect.

    OpenVPN Client Plugin for Unraid can not be used as a gateway for LAN traffic. I'm guessing it can only be used for Docker traffic and maybe Unraid traffic?


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