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Posts posted by johntnz

  1. However I am unable to login via xrdp when in host mode, ie i get login failed from the xrdp manager, even though I am using the correct credentials (mythtv/mythtv)


    Thus my question is, has anyone had any success getting the HDHR working when the container is in bridged mode? If so, what steps did you take?


    Or if host mode is the only option, what do i need to do to enable xrdp to accept remote sessions?


    I have the same setup, with host mode networking.  The fact that you get this dialog coming up suggests that networking is okay and that you are connecting to an instance of xrdp - is it possible you have multiple instances running?  Another docker running for example - not even mythtv.  The first instance running will listen on the RDP port (3389) and later instances will fail to connect.

  2. Will there be a new version of this container with a more recent mythtv version?  I tried doing a apt-get update & upgrade a few weeks ago which worked to a significant extent but failed around database updates if I recall correctly.  I've deleted the instance again but will get back to looking at upgrading it again soon. 

  3. I have successfully installed, configured and have running this container under Openmediavault.  I am testing this is in preparation for moving an existing mythtv backend onto this environment.  However I have one issue that I am unable to resolve.  I am using a cron task on my existing backend PC to download daily an xml version of the NZ EPG and load it into myth.  I have copied the script across and it works fine in the container, executing correctly when I run it manually.  I have now put the script into /etc/cron.daily but it doesn't seem to be running.  When I look more closely I suspect that there is a discrepancy on how the container and the OMV server view "cron".  Inside OMV it is an "init.d" script but inside the container the "/etc/init.d/cron status" command tells me it has been converted to upstart. 


    Am I out of luck and the container does not support cron tasks in my configuration (Debian 3.2.68-1+deb7u2) at least?  I don't believe that I can run my cron task from outside the container because it uses the mythfilldatabase command.


    Thanks in advance


    Updated 2/4/2016 SOLVED


    The base for this docker image is phusion/baseimage which does support cron jobs.  The problem is that baseimage never gets to start all it's services because the my_init script does not put apache into background mode and so it sits forever at step 006-bring-up-mythweb.sh


    Modifying that file from


    exec /usr/sbin/apache2ctl -D FOREGROUND >/dev/null 2>&1




    exec /usr/sbin/apache2ctl -D FOREGROUND >/dev/null 2>&1 &


    starts mythweb and then carries on with starting the remaining services in the docker image, which includes cron.


    I'm not a docker whiz so I haven't tried to set up cron task definitions and passing them in via docker scripts.  My comfort zone is limited to RDP'ing into the running container and setting them up there.  So far it looks like it is all working now.


    Hope this helps someone else.

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