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Posts posted by unknownclient

  1. I added the sample media and one folder with music to help my kids sleep. The watched folder never got past queued. Installed Alexa on my phone, yuck. Got the skill, linked to my account. Would not work on my phone. Found out it will not work on echo dot's if kids mode is enabled. Checked out dev's forum and the last post I could find from them was in 2018. With forum users asking if the project is dead and no response. I question why this is doing so well on Unraid's app store.

  2. Thank you for your reply Hurricane. I currently have the docker app set to host. I have tried bridged as well. Thank you for your quick reply, I really do appreciate it. I could paste or email my log files if that would help. I noticed in subsonic_sh.log, the last line is


    5152 [main] INFO org.springframework.remoting.rmi.RmiServiceExporter - Binding service 'SubsonicDeployerService' to RMI registry: RegistryImpl[unicastServerRef [liveRef: [endpoint:[](local),objID:[0:0:0, 0]]]]


    this to me is jibberish, but it most likely makes sense to you. Thank you again for your work. If you are ever in california LA area I will buy you a beer.


  3. Well I am having the same problem with subsonic. If I use the automatic router setup feature and it  sets a upnp rule for (local host) to open port 4040, which should point to my machine? Which is If I manually set my unraid server of to open ports 4040 and 4050 on TCP I still can not get the yournamehere.subsonic.org funciton to work. I have used putty to telenet into  the unraid server using the find / -name "subsonic.sh" file and changed the ip from to my ip of and this still did not resolve the issue. At this point I am at a loss as what I need to modify to get this docker to work. I have paid the 100 dollars to subsonic for a lifetime membership and have put my relevant information into the app and it has registered as premium. The ONLY reason why I paid 100 dollars is because I have a sonos system and want to play white noise sound clips so my 4 month old daughter will sleep through the night and give me and my wife at least 4 hours of sleep. I am not a linux, or unraid guru, just a tired dad trying to setup a music streaming server to put my daughter to sleep. Any help or links to things to read or what to google next would be appreciated.




    tired dad

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