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Posts posted by fhahn

  1. 14 hours ago, aptalca said:

    The three lines above that proxy_pass line set the variables. Edit those instead to point to the ip and port instead of the container name and port

    It now looks to be working.

    I took one of the sample subdomain.conf files and copied it and named it after the VM that I have setup.

    I modified these lines:

    set $upstream_app; <-- IP address of the VM
    set $upstream_port 443;               <-- Port that I want to forward to Apache on the VM
    set $upstream_proto https;

    90% of my site now works. I have a couple of web pages that revert from https://www.example.com to https://example.com when I click on them but that may be a configuration error on my part. I need to investigate further.

    My last question is can I only do a reverse proxy on subdomains? For example, www.example.com? Or can I make it also work for just example.com?


    I was going to try and modify this line from this:

    server_name www.*;


    to this:

    server_name www.*,example.com;




    Frank Hahn


  2. 36 minutes ago, saarg said:

    You have to set the IP and port in the proxy-pass line instead of the variable. So if there is already a proxy-conf you can use, just edit that one.

    There is a default file found here:





    It has the variable proxy_pass but it is commented out.


    There is also a proxy_pass statement in each of the individual *.subdomain.conf.sample files found here:




    Do I modify each of the ones that I have setup? Presently, I have these configured:






    Each of these have the proxy_pass statement which looks like this:

    proxy_pass $upstream_proto://$upstream_app:$upstream_port;


    So I should edit each of the above files with something like this:



    Frank Hahn

  3. I have two Unraid servers. On server one, I have several virtual machines (VMs) running Ubuntu. In one of these, I have Apache and several applications running.


    On server two, I have several dockers running. These are the typical dockers like Sonarr, Deluge, etc. I also just installed the linuxserver/letsencrypt docker as a reverse proxy. The dockers that I have configured to use the reverse proxy are working as expected. I followed the directions in the video by SpaceInvader.


    What I would like to do is use this same Letsencrypt docker for my VMs on Unraid server one.


    I am guessing that I will need to create a new proxy.conf file but have not found anything online that points me to what I should include in that file.


    Thanks for any help.


    Frank Hahn


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