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Posts posted by LolHens

  1. I recently read about zswap and thought that it could work well on unraid and make swapping much faster on systems with high ram usage and many vms.

    I tried to enable this feature in the syslinux.cfg but there were no signs of it working in syslog.

    Also /sys/module/zswap seems to be nonexistent so that i think the unraid kernel is compiled without it.


    Can I somehow install it or compile a custom kernel with it?

    Does this feature even make sense on unraid?


    Maybe this would work perfectly well. Any ideas?

  2. Hi!


    Would it be possible to add an "Errors" option to the notifications setting so that it only shows file integrity errors?  ::)

    The info messages really clutter the interface after a few days. I wish unRAID would have an option to only show warnings and errors...


  3. Thanks for some good ideas. The server side part of magic packet proxy should be possible after looking through some wol proxy daemons. I'm not sure about the client side implementation. Most most likely a script you'd have to run on an outside computer plus port forwarding in the router.


    Couldn't it just, when it receives a magic packet for a specific mac address, check if the wol device list contains a matching device and after verifying, that magic packet proxying is enabled for that device, etherwake it just like the wake button on the gui does?


    The difference to just forwarding the magic packet from the router straight to that device would be that the magic packet is broadcastet instead of redirected to a specific ip which allows it to wake devices that are off.


    What I meant by proxying was doing the same thing you already do with virtual machines but instead of waking a virtual machine you send an etherwake to the right device. And since you have the device list, you could add a toggle to each device to enable this proxy functionality so you have a whitelist feature already built in.

  4. Hi!


    I just installed this plugin and Virtual Machine Wake On Lan and I must say I love them because they just work so well! ;D

    They even work great together.


    The only thing I missed was the ability to proxy magic packets to other computers because most routers cannot forward ports to mac adresses

    so I cannot wake my computer outside my network (for examle using TeamViewer).

    So I thought, why don't you take the magic packet listening stuff from your libvirtWOL plugin and put it into this one? That would be awesome!

    You could add a lever to each device in the wake list to enable the magic packet proxy. You could even merge the libvirtWOL plugin into this one by adding the virtual machines to the device list.

    This is just an idea but it would make this plugin so much more powerful.  ;)

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