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Posts posted by 3psus

  1. On 12/21/2019 at 8:47 PM, GairyS said:

    Dockerman from unRAID is a great option for the users who need a "simple" solution and a GUI to accomplish "basic" docker tasks. I see a lot of people asking for a docker-compose GUI, and a few people mentioning docker-compose can be installed using nerd pack. The way I see it, after working in IT for over 15 years now, is there are a number of solutions available to resolve this. It really just boils down to comfort level.


    If you use an IDE like VSCodium, you can connect via SSH to run you commands and edit your docker-compose.yml file directly in the IDE. If you like git, you can integrate that into your IDE project. If you want to get "fancy", set up Code-Server in dockerman and set /mnt/user/appdata/docker-compose/ as a persistant volume, and edit your compose file directly in the web editor.


    A reasonable answer for a docker-compose GUI could also be to use dockerman to install Portainer, then use Portainer to deploy your stacks. Portainer stacks are compatible with docker-compose version 2. As of today, docker-compose in unRAID nerdpack is running version 1.23.2, build 1110ad01 and docker version 19.03.5, build 633a0ea838 on unRAID 6.8.0. So, if you need features from v2 you can use Portainer, but if you need v3 you will have to use another solution.


    Using version 2 will allow you to use extends, which will allow you to call several docker-compose files from another file, so you can make it function closely to Portainer stacks. But I think extends were dropped in v3, but there are other work arounds that can be used.


    Hope this helps a few people.




    Thanks for this, I've seen Portainer being used before and definitely liked my first impressions.


    My 2 cents as far as a GUI goes for docker compose: I'd really only be looking for a text field where I can copy/paste the YML content, which would then add that container to the unRaid containers management page, just like any other that would have been added using a template. I just feel that would be the natural way of doing things with docker in unRaid using compose, but that's just my personal impression.


    Been thinking about the Portainer option while writing this though, and I'm more and more inclined towards it. Thanks again!

  2. On 2017-02-18 at 2:46 AM, kubed_zero said:


    In the meantime, I'll check this out! Thanks!


    Update. Got it working, after a little bit of struggle. UnRAID doesn't have compile tools so this guide didn't really help: http://www.gilandre.net/cgi-bin/wiki.cgi/NMONUnderSlackware. I then downloaded a binary and copied it to /boot/extra (from what I hear it gets installed automatically from there at boot): https://slackware.pkgs.org/14.2/slackers/nmon-16f-x86_64-3cf.txz.html

    However, upon running it I got the "nmon: error while loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" message. Okay, time to upgrade ncurses. I originally installed some random ncurses-6.0 but it didn't include/install libncurses so I went back and installed ncurses from here: http://packages.slackware.com/?r=slackware-current&p=ncurses-6.0-i586-2.txz by copying it to my boot/extra folder and then running upgradepkg on it. Still the same error though since it didn't install as libncurses.so.6, only libncurses.so. Then I symlinked /usr/lib64/libncurses.so.6 to /usr/lib64/libncurses.so and /usr/lib64/libtinfo.so.6 and it worked!

    Thx kubed!

    For those on 64bit system, this is the good package: http://packages.slackware.com/?r=slackware64-current&p=ncurses-6.0-x86_64-2.txz


    Yeah, you might be right. I actually thought there was a newer release of curl, but that is not the case. Anyways, it is done now, at least the maintainer will be notified about the issue and can apply the patch in a sub-release, like has been done on many other distros  ;). I understand he might wait to the next stable release of curl though. I must say I find it surprising that libcurl hasn't had a new stable release after this but whatever.


    Thanks binhex for the suggestions. Seems like a roll back is the solution here.     







    thanks for the links above, tracked it back via github and arch already have the patch in place, i wondered why i wasnt seeing the issue  8)


    Np! By the way, for anybody wanting to roll back, it is as easy as appending ":52" to the "Repository" field and update the container.


  4. I've got the "Tracker: [Timeout was reached]" error also, but only for 2 trackers out of 5. This has appeared after last docker update, which also coordinates with a modem/router replacement (new model). Port forwarding seems fine, as reported by rutorrent. rtorrent version is not blacklisted on any of those trackers. Any ideas where this issue could come from?


    This seems to be related to curl. See notes for version 7.52.1_1 : https://www.freshports.org/ftp/curl and https://github.com/rakshasa/rtorrent/issues/538


    I flagged the curl package out of date here so we can upgrade from apk as soon as possible : https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/package/edge/main/x86/libcurl


    Edit: Also if we can get an update for the container with an upgraded curl, that would be awesome :D



    you flagged a package that is up to date with the latest release, as out of date ?


    you're going to be popular with alpine, lol.


    Yeah, you might be right. I actually thought there was a newer release of curl, but that is not the case. Anyways, it is done now, at least the maintainer will be notified about the issue and can apply the patch in a sub-release, like has been done on many other distros  ;). I understand he might wait to the next stable release of curl though. I must say I find it surprising that libcurl hasn't had a new stable release after this but whatever.


    Thanks binhex for the suggestions. Seems like a roll back is the solution here.     






  5. I've got the "Tracker: [Timeout was reached]" error also, but only for 2 trackers out of 5. This has appeared after last docker update, which also coordinates with a modem/router replacement (new model). Port forwarding seems fine, as reported by rutorrent. rtorrent version is not blacklisted on any of those trackers. Any ideas where this issue could come from?


    This seems to be related to curl. See notes for version 7.52.1_1 : https://www.freshports.org/ftp/curl and https://github.com/rakshasa/rtorrent/issues/538


    I flagged the curl package out of date here so we can upgrade from apk as soon as possible : https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/package/edge/main/x86/libcurl


    Edit: Also if we can get an update for the container with an upgraded curl, that would be awesome :D

  6. I've got the "Tracker: [Timeout was reached]" error also, but only for 2 trackers out of 5. This has appeared after last docker update, which also coordinates with a modem/router replacement (new model). Port forwarding seems fine, as reported by rutorrent. rtorrent version is not blacklisted on any of those trackers. Any ideas where this issue could come from?

  7. If all disks are already spinning you shouldn't notice any slowdowns in streaming.  It WOULD require a few extra seeks on the disk that was currently streaming, but these are fast enough that there shouldn't be any issues with a movie stream.  It's the spin-up delay that can cause problems ... and since you don't have anything to spin up, you'd be fine.


    I understand, thanks for the clarification. Streaming aside, would there be any noticeable impact on reads going on, wether it be in latency or in read speed? Or is it marginal to the point that it wouldn't be noticeable?

  8. * Another possible problem if you were in Turbo mode, and you are watching a movie streaming to your player, then a write kicks in to the server and starts spinning up ALL of the drives, causing that well-known pause and stuttering in your movie.  Who wants to deal with the whining that starts then?

    Very interesting, I wasn't aware of this feature. Is there any reason to not enable this if I always keep my disks spinning?

    If you never spin down your disks, then this is likely to improve performance for writes.


    I feel like Scott's question deserve's a little more attention. From what Rob wrote, it seems like turbo write could worsen read operation currently going on while other disks are spun up, like when watching a movie. In my environment, disks are never spun down anyways so spinning them up for a small write isn't an issue.


    My main question is: if all disks are always spinning, am I going to be penalized in read operations if I turn turbo write on? Is the wait time mentioned in the movie example only caused by the time it takes for other disks to spin up or is there any other variables in play?


    Thanks for this great article Rob!

  9. Mine is working great. Maybe someone can get a fix from my settings. Also try running the Fix Common Problems plug-in to see if you have other issues getting in the way (found in Community Applications add-on).


    Thx for the app (Fix Common Problems) suggested. It did find issues wich I solved right away. After that, I decided to start from scratch. I created a new docker image, added the dockers with the same mappings except for plexpy, which I created a new directory in /mnt/cache/appdata/plexpy


    I then opened the webui and to my surprise, it still had the same settings with the same ID and password for webui authentication. I really am clueless about all of this. Where else does this docker keep it's info? After deleting the docker image and the /conf directory (for me /mnt/cache/appdata/plexpy), what else is there to delete?

  10. Just installed the docker and I am having difficulties with the settings page. First off, I generated a username and a password to access plexpy webui. I saved and restarted the container and all was good, username and password now showing in the webui. I went on changing some settings but as soon as I would save and restart the container, all changes had vanished. I could still see the username and password there, but anything that I changed after that didn't seem to be persistent.


    I tried to remove the username and password as a test, but when the container was restarted, they were still there in the settings page although plexpy didn't ask me to authenticate before loggin in. So the settings were saved but not persistent anymore in the webui. In config.ini, I can see all changes are registered.


    Last thing I tried was to delete the container and reinstall from scratch. To my surprise, as soon as i accessed the settings page for the first time, the first username and password that I had saved were still there.


    I have /logs mapped to /mnt/cache/appdata/plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Logs/ and /config

    and /config mapped to /mnt/cache/appdata/plexpy/


    Other than that, everytime I access the settings page, I get asked to backup the config file. Also, whe I click "check for update", I just get redirected to the main page. Everything else works as expected. Anybody else having those issues or knows what could be causing it?




    Still have the same issue with latest updates. I have been able, after deleting and reinstalling multiple times (I think what solved it was to recreate the docker image), to get rid of those issues for a while but now with the latest plexpy update, same problems as stated in quoted post are back. What's up with that? I need enlightenment. Could somebody provide some guidance?


    Edit: To clarify, I just deleted the conainer and the image yet again and I am still presented first with the welcome page, then after restarting the docker, with a log in page that asks for the *same* user and password that was set *before* deleting everything.



  11. Hi people! Hopefully someone can help me. In the last days, I've had an issue with vnc where I cannot control the cursor in the vnc. It's as if my main cursor will go underneath the crashplan screen and I cannot move the vnc cursor, neither click. I can still use the keyboard though, and the vnc screen is definitely working.


    I have been using this docker for couple weeks with no issues before now. I should say that I recently had the cache ssd fail, which  may have corrupted some data although I have not had any reason to believe so yet. Here are the logs from the docker, there are couple errors but I am not sure if they are relevant or not:


    Fri Aug 12 17:34:05 2016
    Connections: closed: (Clean disconnection)
    EncodeManager: Framebuffer updates: 40
    EncodeManager: Tight:
    EncodeManager: Solid: 45 rects, 3.46657 Mpixels
    EncodeManager: 720 B (1:19259.5 ratio)
    EncodeManager: Bitmap RLE: 8 rects, 1.706 kpixels
    EncodeManager: 312 B (1:22.1795 ratio)
    EncodeManager: Indexed RLE: 45 rects, 75.863 kpixels
    EncodeManager: 3.82129 KiB (1:77.6877 ratio)
    EncodeManager: Tight (JPEG):
    EncodeManager: Full Colour: 28 rects, 525.251 kpixels
    EncodeManager: 126.924 KiB (1:16.1679 ratio)
    EncodeManager: Total: 126 rects, 4.06939 Mpixels
    EncodeManager: 131.753 KiB (1:120.662 ratio)
    Terminating WebSockets proxy (137)
    _XSERVTransSocketOpenCOTSServer: Unable to open socket for inet6
    _XSERVTransOpen: transport open failed for inet6/Tower:1
    _XSERVTransMakeAllCOTSServerListeners: failed to open listener for inet6
    _XSERVTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.X11-unix should be set to root
    Xvnc TigerVNC 1.6.0 - built Dec 24 2015 16:05:46
    Copyright (C) 1999-2015 TigerVNC Team and many others (see README.txt)
    See http://www.tigervnc.org for information on TigerVNC.
    Underlying X server release 11202000, The X.Org Foundation
    Fri Aug 12 17:34:21 2016
    vncext: VNC extension running!
    vncext: Listening for VNC connections on all interface(s), port 4239
    vncext: created VNC server for screen 0
    Aug 12 17:34:21 Tower syslog-ng[40]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.5.3'
    Warning: could not find self.pem
    Using local websockify at /opt/novnc/utils/websockify/run
    Starting webserver and WebSockets proxy on port 4280
    Navigate to this URL:



  12. Just installed the docker and I am having difficulties with the settings page. First off, I generated a username and a password to access plexpy webui. I saved and restarted the container and all was good, username and password now showing in the webui. I went on changing some settings but as soon as I would save and restart the container, all changes had vanished. I could still see the username and password there, but anything that I changed after that didn't seem to be persistent.


    I tried to remove the username and password as a test, but when the container was restarted, they were still there in the settings page although plexpy didn't ask me to authenticate before loggin in. So the settings were saved but not persistent anymore in the webui. In config.ini, I can see all changes are registered.


    Last thing I tried was to delete the container and reinstall from scratch. To my surprise, as soon as i accessed the settings page for the first time, the first username and password that I had saved were still there.


    I have /logs mapped to /mnt/cache/appdata/plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Logs/ and /config

    and /config mapped to /mnt/cache/appdata/plexpy/


    Other than that, everytime I access the settings page, I get asked to backup the config file. Also, whe I click "check for update", I just get redirected to the main page. Everything else works as expected. Anybody else having those issues or knows what could be causing it?



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