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Posts posted by crsavage1


    2019/08/15 11:51:13 [crit] 1093#1093: *1 open() "/config/nginx/security/auth" failed (13: Permission denied), client:, server: localhost, request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", host: "


    I hadn't tried to hit it when grabbing new logs....


    I see the above in the logs, and:


    An error occurred.

    Sorry, the page you are looking for is currently unavailable.
    Please try again later.

    If you are the system administrator of this resource then you should check the error log for details.

    Faithfully yours, nginx.


    After logging into the ui

  2. Thanks.  I changed and it continues to throw the following when watching the logs:



    2019/08/15 09:42:56 [crit] 2294#2294: *10 open() "/config/nginx/security/auth" failed (13: Permission denied)


    I added a username to see if that made any difference.  I changed the umask=000 and re-deployed.  Do I need to delete everything out first?  Sorry for the probable dumb questions.

  3. I am sure it is something simple I am missing but updated container, restarted and no matter what, just get the following when trying to access the ui:


    An error occurred.

    Sorry, the page you are looking for is currently unavailable.
    Please try again later.

    If you are the system administrator of this resource then you should check the error log for details.

    Faithfully yours, nginx.

  4. Sonarr adds everything as "pausing" for some reason.  I have looked extensively and it appears as though it is permissions or a path not being seen.  I have confirmed the path variables I am passing through the containers and set the directories as permissive as possible (0777) and it shows as paused in both.  Honestly, thinking of skipping sonarr as it has been nothing but finicky within a container although in fairness, I am certain it is me, not sonarr.  I use a private tracker for 95% of everything I get and would just like the shows to come down automatically, but is seems incredibly difficult to get these pieces working where it downloads and then moves into final destination under the show directories....


    These containers are fantastic though, the VPN insertion makes life so easy to get them spun up.  Just cannot seem to get the shows coming down without showing up as paused when called from Sonarr.  If I do a torrent on it's own, it completes and seeds fine.  Thanks for any insight.

  5. So once configuring the initial config.yml file for Flexget, I assume we restart etc. Issue is, when I do that, I get the above issue with the Deluge piece stopping and becoming inaccessible.  If I delete the config file from the container path, rebuild the container, it seems to correct that behavior but then I have lost the flexget config as well.  Tried to look other places for submitting the issues, but I am afraid this older thread is the only place I could find.  Thanks for any help.

  6. Actually, a bit of an update.  I rebuilt the container and the deluge piece is now working as expected.  Needed to delete the existing container config file although not sure if that was a culprit or just a wonky build the first time.  I cannot get to the Flexget piece with or without passing 3539 to the container or not.  When I attempt to set the password it gives the below:



  7. This is perfect although I used binhex's container without issue but wanted the Flex Get.  However, when running this container with the exact same variables for PIA that I had before, the web UI for deluge comes up for a few minutes but then becomes unreachable.  Also, in his container, the network interface etc is shown but everything is blank in the preferences.  I realize the thread talks about configuring the auth file, but with what username:password?  Any?  Doesn't seem to help as I cannot commit changes to the preferences table and within a couple of minutes the UI is unreachable as if it connects to VPN but did not take the -e LAN_NETWORK variable for whatever reason.  Container is up and running.  Also, there is no passing of the port 3589, should there be?  Otherwise it is unreachable.  I am going to destroy and re-build with changing the ports but for whatever reason I must be missing a step.  Thanks!

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