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Posts posted by RGauld

  1. to reply to both issues, with your help I've solved the array autostart issue. It was an external eSATA Raid enclosure that was causing the problem.

    I've removed it from the array, and the autostart is working properly again, (although I'm at a loss to explain why, as it was working fine before).

    As to the slow WebUI, I've narrowed it down to the "Unraid Connect" plugin...  After installing it, the slow WebUI issue returned... I uninstalled it, and

    the WebUI response time went back to normal...  obviously there is an issue with the "Unraid Connect" plugin.

  2. ok, I've removed all the plugins, and the problem seems to be fixed...  I've reinstalled a few of the plugins I had before, and so far, so good...

    However, now for the life of me, I can't get the array to autostart...  configuration is valid (although I'm not running a parity disk, as I have

    no need for it). I have "autostart" enabled in disk settings, but the array just won't start automatically...  I've tried using the "new config"

    option, but still no joy...  I'm at a loss... posting diagnostics...


  3. No, I don't see the same running in safe mode...  So what do I do from here? upon a regular boot, web ui response is brutally slow, but in safe mode, the problem is no longer there... Is it ok/safe to run in safe mode for the time being? at least until the problem is resolved? All I can see

    is the plugins are not loaded, but all the docker containers still run...

  4. Thank you everyone for your help! I've uninstalled and re-installed the app, which has reset the initiator name back to default.

    As for Unraid not being able to connect, it was because the Windows 11 iSCSI initiator was connected...  As soon as I disconnected

    it, Unraid connected to it no problem! Problem solved! thanks again for all the help!


    • Like 1
  5. I tried it with both...  The first time I left it at the default (iqn.unraid.etc), then changed it to match the drobo unit...  

    There isn't a lot of help on the Drobo unit, and it's not ideal....  However, I got it for free, so...  Still would like to figure

    out why I can't get Unraid to connect to it, considering the Windows 11 iSCSI initiator connects to it just fine, without

    having to change any ACL settings...  MTU is set to 1500, as Windows 11 is, and the port is 3260....  Any other ideas?

  6. I have double checked my setup...  as far as I know, the Drobo unit I'm trying to connect to has no authorization settings enabled...

    The iSCSI initiator running on my windows desktop connects to it just fine, and doesn't require any authorization.

  7. seems I can't get my drobo b800i to connect....


    Jan  2 10:36:22 RG-SERVER kernel: connection1:0: detected conn error (1020)
    Jan  2 10:36:22 RG-SERVER  iscsid: connection1:0 login rejected: initiator failed authorization with target
    Jan  2 10:36:22 RG-SERVER  iscsid: Connection1:0 to [target: iqn.2005-06.com.drobo:b800i.tdb1130b0193.id2, portal:,3260] through [iface: default] is shutdown.
    Jan  2 10:36:25 RG-SERVER flash_backup: adding task: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.my.servers/scripts/UpdateFlashBackup update
    Jan  2 10:36:57 RG-SERVER kernel: scsi host43: iSCSI Initiator over TCP/IP
    Jan  2 10:36:57 RG-SERVER kernel: connection2:0: detected conn error (1020)
    Jan  2 10:36:57 RG-SERVER  iscsid: connection2:0 login rejected: initiator failed authorization with target
    Jan  2 10:36:57 RG-SERVER  iscsid: Connection2:0 to [target: iqn.2005-06.com.drobo:b800i.tdb1130b0193.id2, portal:,3260] through [iface: default] is shutdown.
    Jan  2 10:38:19 RG-SERVER  emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdc
    Jan  2 10:38:24 RG-SERVER  iscsid: semop down failed 22
    Jan  2 10:38:24 RG-SERVER  iscsid: iSCSI logger with pid=5250 started!
    Jan  2 10:38:25 RG-SERVER flash_backup: adding task: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.my.servers/scripts/UpdateFlashBackup update
    Jan  2 10:38:25 RG-SERVER  iscsid: iSCSI daemon with pid=5251 started!
    Jan  2 10:38:57 RG-SERVER kernel: scsi host43: iSCSI Initiator over TCP/IP
    Jan  2 10:38:57 RG-SERVER kernel: connection3:0: detected conn error (1020)
    Jan  2 10:38:58 RG-SERVER  iscsid: connection3:0 login rejected: initiator failed authorization with target
    Jan  2 10:38:58 RG-SERVER  iscsid: Connection3:0 to [target: iqn.2005-06.com.drobo:b800i.tdb1130b0193.id2, portal:,3260] through [iface: default] is shutdown.
    Jan  2 10:39:09 RG-SERVER kernel: scsi host43: iSCSI Initiator over TCP/IP
    Jan  2 10:39:09 RG-SERVER kernel: connection4:0: detected conn error (1020)
    Jan  2 10:39:10 RG-SERVER  iscsid: connection4:0 login rejected: initiator failed authorization with target

  8. anyone?

    it appears over and over:


    "May 1 07:44:14 RG-SERVER rsyslogd: omfwd/udp: socket 5: sendto() error: Network is unreachable [v8.2102.0 try https://www.rsyslog.com/e/2354"

    and this:

    "May 1 07:44:14 RG-SERVER kernel: ACPI BIOS Error (bug): AE_AML_BUFFER_LIMIT, Field [CPB3] at bit offset/length 64/32 exceeds size of target Buffer (64 bits) (20210730/dsopcode-198)"

    "May 1 07:44:17 RG-SERVER kernel: bond0: Warning: No 802.3ad response from the link partner for any adapters in the bond"

    "May 1 07:45:39 RG-SERVER emhttpd: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/customtab/scripts/createTab.php on line 33"

  9. No, I have no warnings on the dashboard...  I do see this a lot in the log file, it appears over and over:


    "May 1 07:44:14 RG-SERVER rsyslogd: omfwd/udp: socket 5: sendto() error: Network is unreachable [v8.2102.0 try https://www.rsyslog.com/e/2354"

    and this:

    "May 1 07:44:14 RG-SERVER kernel: ACPI BIOS Error (bug): AE_AML_BUFFER_LIMIT, Field [CPB3] at bit offset/length 64/32 exceeds size of target Buffer (64 bits) (20210730/dsopcode-198)"

    "May 1 07:44:17 RG-SERVER kernel: bond0: Warning: No 802.3ad response from the link partner for any adapters in the bond"

    "May 1 07:45:39 RG-SERVER emhttpd: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/customtab/scripts/createTab.php on line 33"


    I'm posting my diagnostics again as well as my syslog...


    And no, I guess I'm not quite a noob, but I'm no master either! :)




    rg-server-diagnostics-20220501-0907.zip rg-server-syslog-20220501-1505.zip

  10. I recently had to replace the main flash drive UnRaid is installed on, and while the transfer to the new flash drive was relatively painless,

    I'm having trouble getting the docker apps to work...  They show up on the docker list, but I'm unable to start them, or restore them from a backup. 

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