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Posts posted by FTLAUDMAN

  1. Just installed this for the first time. Anyone else getting extremely high CPU usage? I go from about 5% to 100% when a single user logs in. It stays that way until I leave the world. Connecting from an iPhone.


    I'm using an old 4/4 core Xeon (1220v1), but I still feel like this is unusually high? 

  2. When I attempt to stream a game from a Windows 10 VM on my Unraid box the game quickly hangs, the Unraid system itself stops responding, and most of my small LAN is unable to access the rest of the LAN or the internet. The only remedy I have found is to cut the power to the Unraid box. Restarting the other PCs, devices, routers, etc has no effect. The Unraid system appears to be unable to recover on its own (after being left for a couple hours the first time). 


    I'm out of my depth with this, but it resembles what other forum posts have referred to as an ARP storm (but I don't have any evidence to back that up in this case). Unfortunately, I haven't found a solution given on any of the threads here on the Unraid forums. 


    For context, I recently replaced my 4670k with an Xeon 1241v3 so I could use a Windows 10 VM for gaming with an AMD 7950 GPU. The problems occur very shortly after the game starts. It's unclear to me if it's when the CPU/GPU goes under stress from the game itself, or if it's when the network traffic picks up because the game is streaming (more likely, I presume). I have tried Steam and Rainway to stream, both with the same results. I have installed a Windows 10 VM from scratch twice, just to try to rule out any weirdness from the first install. The Windows 10 VM has all updates installed, and uses 6 cores and 8GB RAM. It's running from a Sun F80 SSD (PCIE). 


    I'm happy to supply logs but after enabling the logs to write to the flash drive a while back I still only see logs from last January in the "logs" section on the flash drive. (Not sure I'm doing that right.)


    Thanks in advance for any ideas on what is going on or how to fix it.





  3. Thanks! Your instructions worked well. I wasn't sure if that was still the preferred method when NextCloud has a new updater built-in to the admin page now (as of 10.0.1?). I tried theirs, and it failed sometime after maintenance mode was enabled, but before the update could finish. I ran your update instructions, and it seems to have updated perfectly.


    I'm new to OwnCloud/NextCloud, and I was surprised when some of the apps I was expecting to be available are apparently only available for people running NextCloud v11. It appears that 10.0.2 is the latest stable version, so have developers just  pulled apps until v11 is available? A quick Google search seems to say that v11 is when a new app store-ish feature will be released - so developers are just targeting that?


    If so, that all makes sense, and I'm happy to wait. I just wanted to make sure I'm not missing some easy/obvious way to run these apps in the meantime? They just don't seem to be showing up in my NextCloud apps section as being available to install. Specifically, I'm looking for the News app, the Spreedbox video/audio calls, QOwnNotes API, etc.

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