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Posts posted by jammin

  1. On 2/2/2023 at 8:52 AM, PhilBarker said:

    Also cost shouldn't be too much of an issue - you can get something like this if you have an x8 or x16 pci slot free


    LSI 9223 9200 9240-8i HBA FW:P20 9211-8i IT Mode ZFS FreeNAS unRAID 2* SFF SATA


    For £33 which isn't much more than the cheap ASM cards on amazon


    That's almost certainly a fake.


    Brand new but no original packaging, photos are the same as other fakes I have seen.


    Trouble is, where do you get a real one these days? And do the fakes work well enough that it doesn't matter? I have heard they tend to run very hot.

  2. I'm very excited about official ZFS support!

    I've been using the ZFS plugin for some time to run a secondary pool that I have my dockers and VM data on.  Will this be recognized automatically by unRaid 6.12 or will I need to recreate it?


    • Like 2
  3. Thanks @JoeUnraidUser for this excellent script.  I'm using it instead of CA AppData Backup now, as I'm kinda tired of ALL of my dockers stopping for hours every day for backup.  This one is great because it only stops each docker while it backs that docker up, and then starts it again.  The caching mechanism further reduces docker down-time.


    One caveat for anyone else using it - your appdata folder must be named exactly the same as the docker name.  I had a few that were different, and found it easier to rename the docker rather than the folder.  Also if you have any folders in appdata that aren't the same name as an existing docker (eg. from old containers no longer in use), they won't be backed up.


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  4. Is it out of scope to discuss a different method of license enforcement than the USB key serial number?  It's a scary single point of failure and kinda restricting to require a USB stick at all.

    If it has to be hardware, maybe the check could be when starting the array instead of on boot, and base it on one or more array member serial numbers?  Or the MAC address of the NIC?  


  5. On 12/9/2019 at 6:38 AM, maxse said:

    Just couldn’t get this working. 
    looks like I’ll have to spend some money and buy a router that could do vpn. Really sucks that I can’t get mullvad to work with this especially since it’s also openvpn Supported.

    no one is using it huh?


    My suggestion if you're spending money on a new router is get a small embedded PC and run pfSense on it. You will get a much more flexible solution than any out of the box router.  I use the built in pfSense VPN client to route specific traffic via Mullvad VPN, and also use the Mullvad port forwarding feature.


    I have one of these, in a case, cost about USD100



    Anything with 2 NIC's will do though really.  PC Engines have a bunch of options https://www.pcengines.ch/newshop.php?c=4


    There's also a bunch of pfSense provided options https://www.pfsense.org/products/ - the SG1100 is pretty good value at $179.


    Mine gets its internet via an old ADSL2 modem in bridge mode (hopefully by fibre box soon!).  I just use my old router as a Wifi access point, but you could get something fancier like UniFi or Google Wifi.  The point is each device (Modem/NTU, Wifi AP, Router) does something specific very well, and then you can individually upgrade them if needed.


    You can also run pfSense in a VM if you want to test it out, but I think it's better for your internet access to be independent of your unraid server.



  6. I have a APC BACK-UPS HS 500VA 230V which AFAIK doesn't support any remote management.  However it does have a (terrible) web interface.  In the days when I ran a windows server I built a tool to query the web interface, and scrape out the battery % and shut down the server if it got below a certain %.  


    Obviously now that I use unraid, this won't work ... I'd much rather use this plugin.  My question is, is there something super simple and well documented that I could build a utility to emulate?  ie. scrape the UPS battery % and report it back to nut by emulating another device.


    Or any other suggestions? (besides get a new UPS!)


  7. If you pull from that repo as is, it will get the latest version. But when I created the image on docker hub, 1.29 was the latest and that's what's in the image.


    So, if you build the image from that same dockerfile today, you'll get the 1.30 version.


    Ahhh thanks.  That cleared up some fundamental misconceptions that I had about how docker images work  ;D



  8. Are you going to create a Zoneminder 1.30 separate docker or just update the 1.29?

    Probably neither. Zoneminder changes so much between versions that updating in place is near impossible. I'm not willing to create a new container every time they have an update. That's too much to support. Especially when I'm not even using it myself


    Thanks for your excellent work on this.  I understand why you'd not want to maintain it since you aren't using it.  I am looking to create an updated version of this for 1.30, and was wondering if you could point me in the right direction.


    One thing especially - I'm not that familiar with docker or ubuntu repos and I noticed that your 1.29 dockerfile uses


    add-apt-repository -y ppa:iconnor/zoneminder


    When I look at that repo it seems to contain a 1.30.0-xenial version.  How would the apt-get install command change to install this version instead?


    I realise there will probably be other stuff that has to change to make it work, but this would be a good start!


    Thanks again



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