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Posts posted by scubafossil

  1. I have tried to incorporate autodl-irssi into this unsuccessfully for a couple months now.  Has anyone else tried doing this?


    I'd like it as well. What have you tried? It would be nice if it were included.


    Edit: I've requested it on the Linuxserver forum here:



    There is also a fork of the linuxserver docker with it included but I cannot get it to work for me:



    I also found this one:



    I tried that one on Windows earlier and it works but I haven't tried it on UnRAID yet.


    LOL I have tried the same ones except the sethgregory one I did not try windows, as I don't have the resources for another VM.  I really wish this was included, the RSS https feeds don't work on my private tracker due to server volume, and they are not upgrading their hardware anytime soon.  The IRC however is always up and what was recommended from some of the experienced members there.


    Done got it working. How I did it.

    1.)  SSH into your machine


    2.)  Enter the following command replacing your file structure.  Note I could not get it to work if I changed the 443 port.

    docker create --name=rutorrent-autodl-irssi -v /mnt/user/Docker/rutorrent-autodl-irssi:/config -v /mnt/user/Docker/Torrents:/downloads -e PGID=100 -e PUID=99 -e TZ=-5 -p 443:443 -p 45566-45576:45566-45576 xeroxmalf/rutorrent-autodl-irssi


    3.)  Then in the Docker Tab on the Unraid Gui Start the container.


    Here is the link for additional info





    I spent about 6 hours today trying different combinations but xeroxmalf did it based off of LinuxServer.IO's docker.


    Edit - Spelling and hyperlink

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  2. I have tried to incorporate autodl-irssi into this unsuccessfully for a couple months now.  Has anyone else tried doing this?


    I'd like it as well. What have you tried? It would be nice if it were included.


    Edit: I've requested it on the Linuxserver forum here:



    There is also a fork of the linuxserver docker with it included but I cannot get it to work for me:



    I also found this one:



    I tried that one on Windows earlier and it works but I haven't tried it on UnRAID yet.


    LOL I have tried the same ones except the sethgregory one I did not try windows, as I don't have the resources for another VM.  I really wish this was included, the RSS https feeds don't work on my private tracker due to server volume, and they are not upgrading their hardware anytime soon.  The IRC however is always up and what was recommended from some of the experienced members there.

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