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Posts posted by TehRusky

  1. 5 hours ago, dlandon said:

    This is the right place to post your issue.


    You have not provided enough information.  Please post your diagnostics.


    The ntfs3g drivers are now included in unRAID.

    I'm pretty new to this sorry. How would I find this diagnostic? Is it a Unassigned Device specific one or Unraid in general?

    EDIT: Found the unraid diagnostics. I think that's what I'm looking for it gave me a zip with tons of configs and logs which one do you need?

  2. I'm having an issue mounting a 4tb ntfs drive. I've read through the guide multiple time, uninstalled reinstalled. When I check the logs it doesn't specify and error


    Mar 21 16:58:49 Mount drive command: /sbin/mount -t ntfs -o auto,async,noatime,nodiratime,nodev,nosuid,umask=000 '/dev/sde2' '/mnt/disks/4tb'
    Mar 21 16:58:49 Mount of '/dev/sde2' failed. Error message: 

    Not super helpful. I assigned the default script to the drive. 

    I have been trying to find any info on this for days.

    I read you need ntfs3g drivers for over 2tb on unraid 5 I tried them on mine and it didn't seem to help

    I was trying to post in The Plugin Support forum and it was greyed out. Is that a stop newbies from posting thing or...?


    Also there was a gpt partition that I deleted thinking it may have been the cause but... nope.

    unraid issue.png

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