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Posts posted by rb2k

  1. I browed the thread and tried to figure out the significance of /tmp.
    I couldn't really find anythning obvious, so just as a quick recap for the technically inclined

    On my unraid setup, /tmp is not obviously backed by a ramdisk or anything too fancy:

    root@nasbox:~# mountpoint /tmp/
    /tmp/ is not a mountpoint

    It's just a regular old folder on the 'root' filesystem. On unraid however, the root filesystem is running in RAM itself:

    root@nasbox:~# df -h | egrep "/$"
    rootfs           16G  887M   15G   6% /

    That would indeed help a bit with performance.

    In this case, mounting /tmp would basically do the same as mounting /dev/shm to /transcode

    I prefer /dev/shm/ since /tmp has a bunch of other things that I don't think Plex needs to have access to :)

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