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Posts posted by kanine

  1. I am having trouble updating from 6.9.2 to this version using the GUI. I get an IO error at around the 60% mark of the download which I believe is due to limited RAM onboard (2Gb). Is there a 'simple' alternate way to install from the download section onto the flash drive?


    I vaguely recall mapping the Flash Drive in Windows and then replacing a few files. The flash share would naturally be temporary.

  2. Thanks, I've been going through the NAS Killer 4.0 guide. Wish there was just a simple 'get this' Mobo / CPU combo board when low power usage is the goal. I'm hoping to hit somewhere around 30-60W when idle it seems quite achievable.


    I currently use 6Tb MyClouds which idle around 5W but I have 6... Hence the low power goal.

  3. Hoping the good folks here can help. I’m wanting to build a new server but this one won’t be running anything other than Unraid to serve files mostly to my Plex Server and general file storage. I’m thinking 6-8 drives (including parity) will be enough long term but need some help on where to start.


    I don’t think I need a rack style system just some kind of Tower / AMD or Intel build? This could be serving up to 5 streams of data to Plex at once mostly 720p content.


    Any advice on how to get started with the build would be great. I’ve been using Unraid on HP Microservers for a while now which used to be a good low cost base unit but they seem to have all but gone now.

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