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Posts posted by Server1Alpha

  1. 9 hours ago, johnnie.black said:

    Ah yes forgot to mention, the server was acting perfectly for around a year or so with these specs, also I did try updating the bios to the most recent version which had no effect, the ram is running at whatever is default, I'll go look through the bios for that other setting and also adjust the ram if need be.

    Edit: also Fix Common Problems put out a new error:

    Your server has detected hardware errors. You should install mcelog via the NerdPack plugin, post your diagnostics and ask for assistance on the unRaid forums. The output of mcelog (if installed) has been logged.



    I've went ahead and installed it and if adjusting the bios settings doesn't fix anything I'll post the new logs


    Edit 2:

    Ram speed was below recommended max, 2 sticks at 2133 mhz, I've switched the power supply idle to typical

  2. Tldr: system seems to abruptly crash around every 24 ish hours.



    This started happening a few weeks before quarantine, I let it happen a couple times before I left it off until a couple days ago when I moved its location and have time and ability to actively work on it.

    It seems to happen around 24 hours, I think its lasted up to 48 ish before. It becomes unreachable  via the web interface and also locally. This latest time it actually managed to reboot, so it may be different this time? The only major difference to me was I was running tailing syslog locally, but I don't know how that would make it reboot instead of just crash or hang or whatever it does.


    Did a memory test which showed no problems.

    replaced two hard drives since issues started since one of the two had started making loud clicking noises and since they were both sourced from the same place at the same tike some years ago, and I needed more space anyways (and hit the limit for sata expansion) I swapped them for 2 different drives from 2 different places. 




    Ryzen 7 1700x,

    Gigabyte B450 AORUS M

    32 GB Ram



    Unraid 6.8.3


    Community Applications

    Fix Common Problems

    Dynamix System Statistics/Ssd Trim



    Well I had a bunch, but after the latest crash, all but Sonarr are now orphan images, but the other ones:

    Jacket, plex, ombi, radar, duckdns, rtorrent, deluge, mariadb.


  3. 15 hours ago, Jessie said:

    If the ping doesn't succeed that's ok. It's possible the router is not set to respond.  What is important is that it is looking for the correct address.

    I would have thought it would work.

    What happens in the log when you restart it?

    Has it created a certificate yet?



    It's been doing the same thing. Port 80 seems to not be blocked by my isp currently.

  4. 4 hours ago, Jessie said:

    I think it is something to do with the ports

    to recap in the router

    external port              Internal port             host

    80                                81                              unraid ip

    443                             443                            unraid ip


    If you ping your domain, does it point to your ip address?


    Are you sure 81 is not used elsewhere?

    Did you try 8088?

    (You would have to change 81 to 8088 in the router as well as the template)



    Changed it to internal port 9293 on router, and host port 9293. Pinging the domain pings to my ip, the request times out.


    Edit: There is a very small chance that my isp has started to block port 80, I will go and double check on that tomorrow.

  5. On 3/3/2018 at 7:29 AM, Jessie said:

    Change Container port 80 to 81 or 8088. (whichever is not used elsewhere in the unraid server)


    In your router Forward port 443 to your unraid server

    In your router point external port 80 to internal port 81 or 8088 (Which ever you chose in the first line above) and forward to your unraid server.


    Restart letsencrypt.



    Both were port forwarded before, so I kept port 443 forwarded, and changed the port to port 80 external, to 81 internal, to unraid's ip address, and container port is 80 while host port is 81. I also changed the top url to (mydomain).duckdns.org and the subdomain to www. as was suggested to me





  6. image.png.e1ffac170cc998598853edd482558bef.png



    As far as I can tell the settings are correct based off of what I've seen recently in this thread, and it's about the same as when it was working before the 6.4 update. Last week I got a week long ban because I kept trying to fix this and tried 5 times in an hour so I know my server is reaching out fine. Port forwarded correctly too. Unraid is not running on port 80 or 443 so not sure if that might be causing the issue since that's the only thing I can think of that is different, especially since apparently the httpval thing is no longer required from what I can infer, although really tired right now so I may just be really stupid. Already tried 4 times recently so I'm gonna have to wait to try again but figured I might be able to get some input while I wait. Thanks

  7. Recently upgraded to 6.4, everything worked fine, had an issue with the letsencrypt and nginx, so I turned off the new built in encryption, messed up and had to ftp in to edit config to reenable access (whoops) and it was around that time I started having issues with unraids internet connection. It's just with unfair and the docker, as the vm that's running on it works perfectly fine. It's not like the internet doesn't work at all, it just goes out for up to 10 seconds every 40 to to 50 seconds or so. Tried rebooting and the fix common errors app, but no luck so far. I've had a static ip since I first set everything up, but I only reserved the ip after this issue started occuring.


    I am not in the same location as my server currently and have to use the ovpn installed on it to connect but as it is installed on it it takes a bit to move around and accomplish anything with the internet constantly dropping.





    Duck dns



    Let's encrypt










    *currently not using these, haven't for a while



    Community application's 

    Fix common problems

    Dynamix ssd trim

    Pre clear disks




    Solved: I managed to get a connection to it long enough to edit the network,cfg file to change the static ip addess to a different number. Seems as though unraid somehow was running two different connections on one ip. After switiching it to .74, there's still a device connected as .7, not sure what it is.


  8. Not sure what I changed, because now I can't seem to be able to start the service anymore, checking logs is this:

    sudo: openvpn: command not found
    It worked for a bit,but stopped using it for a while, tried using it again and as you can tell it's not working. Wonder if some update maybe broke the installation.

    Tried removing it from plugins panel, and reading it but seems to give same issue.

    Thanks for any help in advance!

  9. I'm also having an issue with getting this up and running, hopefully my reading into the issue lead me to the wrong conclusion.

    /steamcmd/steamcmd.sh: line 29: /steamcmd/linux32/steamcmd: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error

    Either I'm gonna be stuck with running it on a vm, or I'm doing something stupid here. Any help is appreciated, thanks!

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