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Posts posted by royalflush5

  1. 1 hour ago, trurl said:

    Your appdata, domains, and system shares are all on the array. Did you restore appdata? Not sure how that works since I have never needed to do it. I would have thought it would restore it to cache since appdata is cache-only.


    Ideally you want those shares all on cache and staying on cache so docker/VM performance will not be affected by the slower array, and so docker/VMs won't keep array disks spinning.


     Set those shares to cache-prefer, run mover, when it completes post new diagnostics.

    Nah I haven't restored anything yet. Probably just set that years ago and never thought anything about it. Here is the latest


  2. Hey, I've been having issues with my dockers where they just stop working. I went to update my plex docker and was getting a read only error. I rebooted and had all my containers gone from the list. I can add my containers back with the template section, but despite having the files in the appdata share, I have to start from scratch. Any ideas?


    Thank you


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