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Posts posted by settled_slacker

  1. 15 hours ago, ich777 said:

    Have you appended: '+servercfgfile server.cfg' to the game parameters?


    This is not an error this is a warning and can be ignored because the Server can't find a running instance of Steam itself but well it's a dedicated Server without a Steam Client.


    Keep in mind that this Container is not different to a CS:Source server that runs on bare metal.


    Hi, right? I'm super confused why it's not working. Yes I've tried three different expressions I found online to force the loading of the cfg, none worked. Made sure all files are on the same HDD.

    Tried both Unix/Windows EOL formatting. Tried few different cfg files downloaded from the internet.

    Gameserver is not seeing or can't access the file? I'm sure there is something I've missed and it's silly. It's a new day, I'll try to install it on USB drive through Unassigned Devices, see how that'll go.




    Well running off of USB drive fixed server.cfg issue ... Gamesrver just loaded the file on its own. Log is showing loads of "chmod: changing permissions of '/serverdata/serverfiles/hl2/resource/ifm_ts_full_region.cur': Operation not permitted" errors though, to the point of freezing the browser 🤪 Don't like to run the gameserver like this anyways.


    So it seems that there might be an issue with configuration of my server, should I run Unraid "New permissions" to make it run ok off of array or something?

  2. Hello and thank you for making Counter Strike Source container.


    I've dealt with fragmentation error as the help is available in this topic. I do however have an issue with actually configuring the game server. Default password for docker/rcon do not work; server.cfg file is being ignored by the game server and log is not showing any errors but one:


    [S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.


    After few hours of unsuccessful troubleshooting, any help will be appreciated.


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