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Posts posted by p13

  1. 53 minutes ago, Squid said:


    Quick googling shows that currently OMV ships with Debian 10 which is Kernel v4.9.  Unraid hasn't used Kernel 4.9 since ~6.3.3 which is far far more than 3 versions ago.


    Not a fair comparison.

    Yes, there are a ton of marvel based controllers out there.  Simply because the chipset is cheap and Chinese manufacturers (Syba, IO Crest etc) can bang them out by the millions and not have to worry about much in terms of problems because the largest market is Windows, and Windows will try, try, try again, reset the controller, repeat the above ad-naseum until things happen to work.

    I meant 3 major version, e.g 4,5,6 (yes, that backwards). 

    Well, one way or another it works in OMV (Windows) and doesn’t in Unraid. A typical consumer business would “correct” the situation. Guess, UnRAID is still enthusiasts oriented.

  2. This is more wide spread that it appears. Most people just won’t bother with checking why their Marvell controller connected disks don’t show up.

    Also, this is not kernel, driver or firmware related. At least if it is the case, not the main cause. This is clearly UnRAID issue. I have done extensive tests, during which confirmed that the same 88SE9230 cards (yes, multiple) wold work just fine with OMV throughout 3 last versions, but would fail in UnRAID throughout 3 last versions. 
    The fix didn’t work in my case.

    It seems that the Linux distor under UnRAID or UnRAID itself initialises SATA controllers in some special way. Most often error output is “soft reset failed”.

    Considering the number of Marvell controllers on the market, it would be reasonable to address this issue rather sooner than later.

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