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Posts posted by RaEyE

  1. On 9/7/2020 at 12:33 PM, binhex said:

    from your log:-

    2020-09-07 11:18:07,387 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    Mon Sep  7 11:18:07 2020 [UNDEF] Inactivity timeout (--ping-restart), restarting

    see Q17 from the following link:- https://github.com/binhex/documentation/blob/master/docker/faq/vpn.md

    Thanks for the hint.
    Didn't notice that and completely hooked up on the unbound interface.

    New router blocked a necessary port. Yay me.

  2. HI,

    since yesterday I'm having trouble acessing the WebGUI.
    It looks like the local adapter can't be bound anymore (UDP link local: (not bound)).
    The logs do mention "tun" and "iptable_mangle" not beeing available.
    Might this be the cause of my problem?

    I tried to stop/start the image and also to do a cleanreinstall. Also wiped appdata. No change.
    Switching from "Bridge" to "Custom" connection didn't change a thing.


    Therefore I switched to debug and attached the following log.

    Hope this might help in finding a possible bug / missconfiguration.



    I do notice the exact same problem with binhex-privoxyvpn.


  3. Hi,


    first of all, thank you very much for your excelent docker. Works like a charm.

    Still, I got one question. How do I change the cipher which the ovpn client uses?
    I got a ovpn profile, specifiying a "AES-256-CBC" cipher.


    This results in error messages from 'start-script', well actualy warnings, but never the less.


    2020-07-08 15:56:35,599 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    Wed Jul 8 15:56:35 2020 AEAD Decrypt error: cipher final failed


    Therefore, I'd like to change the cipher of the integrated ovpn client, which I assume currently uses "cipher BF-CBC", which would be the default.


    If this is a rather "newby" question, please cut me some slack, still learning.



    Best regards,

  4. Hi, has someone figured out how to use Traefik with e.g. Booksonic.

    What I'd like to do would be to redirect to the address, e.g. when calling booksonic.<domain>.duckdns.org.

    Currently Traefik redirects to but not to


    How do I need to setup Traefik to achieve this?

  5. Hello,

    what I'd like to know would be if it is possible to setup an unRAID Server in the way, that the actual
    Storage Array actualy is hosted on an external SAN (e.g. StarWind Virtual SAN), connected via iSCSI,
    while the Cache Pool (if needed, maybe optionaly later on ... or just to see if it works) is located locally

    and directly attached to the hardware running unRAID.


    I'm asking, because I'm considering to switch to unRAID and might have the chance to receive a cheap SAN-Serverbuild,

    I'd like to use if possible with unRAID.


    Best regards,


  6. As @RobinM, I'd like to know if there is any news on the HP H240 HBM support.

    I'd like to build a system containing 2-3 of these cards, and since they are rather affordable while beeing comparably performant, I'd like to opt for these cards.


    As @RobinM already stated the official Hardware Compatibility List lists the H240 as working since unRAID v6.3.2, but what with @Tvede? (Btw. Any news from you @Tvede?)


    Since we are at unRAID v6.3.5, I thought, I'D ask again.






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