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Posts posted by Mikki

  1. 20 hours ago, sadkisson said:

    Thank you @Mikki I appreciate your help! I was able to get this working by installing the steamcache-generic docker and a dnsmasq docker from jpillora/dnsmasq. The steamcache-dns docker is missing the Sony servers for some reason. Will save me some bandwidth now!



    Glad you got it working ;)

  2. On 7/3/2018 at 3:43 AM, sadkisson said:


    I tried to set this up to cache my sons PlayStation 4 updates so they only have to download once on our slow internet. Unfortunately I could not get this to work. I was really confused how to setup all the dockers. Happen to have a write up of the process?



    Sry for the late respons.

    I wil start recommend plugin Community Applications

    On 29/5/2015 at 4:48 AM, Squid said:


    In the apps tap search for steamcache and download the "generic cache" i will recommend to use you network interface as network type eg "br0" and then add a fixed ip you know is not in use as port 80 is used by unraid by default apply the docker.


    If you have a router were you can setup dns records then add thies domains




    and point them to the fixed ip set for the cache, if your router do not support do set some dns records then go to the apps tap and download the steamcache-dns and change your dhcp settings in your router to use steamcache-dns as dns server


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