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Posts posted by Motley

  1. I have been having an issue for the last 2 months. I run a W10 VM that will grab files and download them to the server and then move them to another spot after the download is complete. Every couple of days the files will get locked on the share and cannot be moved/deleted etc.. I have tried to download to a spot that isn't cached just to be sure that was involved.


    I thought it was something on the VM that was doing it but after rebooting the VM the lock is still there. After the reboot the lock will eventually go away but it takes a few minutes for this to happen so I suppose it could be something on the VM but I would expect the lock to go away when everything is gone from the VM.


    I have run the smbstatus command to see the pid that is causing the lock but i don't know how to figure out what process the pid is tied to. Is there a way to do this?


    Unraid 6.92

  2. So I set this up a while ago and I cannot remember my password. I was only testing it out so no data needs to be saved. I tried to remove the docker completely and reinstall but it still prompts for a username and password.


    How can I completely remove it and set it up from scratch? I thought clearing the appdata would do it but apparently not.

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