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Posts posted by MoebiusStreet

  1. 23 minutes ago, Squid said:

    It links to the OP here

    When I click the link in the settings page, I get the error below.


    From the plugin entry under Apps, I can link to this very thread we're talking in. I'm not sure if that's what was intended within the settings - but if so, a thread of 149 pages dealing with all the Dynamix plugins is fairly opaque.


  2. Where can I find the HELP docs for the Cache Dirs plugin? There are several settings that say "Important - check HELP if disks spin up", but I can't find where that document might be. At the bottom there's a link to a forum topic, but it's a dead link.


    Ultimately, what I hope to accomplish is to allow the server to respond very quickly when directory information is requested, but also to take that as a hint that access to the underlying files is likely to be coming soon, so start spinning up the related drives now.

  3. 9 minutes ago, dlandon said:

    Just removed and re-installed it on my test server.  Worked fine.  It's something with your server.  Flash problem?  Ram memory problem?

    I just ran a curl from my unraid server, to see what the retrieval from there looks like. The given URL returns a HTTP 302 status, giving an alternate location of https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dlandon/unassigned.devices/master/packages/parted-3.3-x86_64-1.txz. Does the plugin installer know how to follow 302s?


    As a test, I just successfully installed the Dynamix File Manager plugin.


    Anyway, is there a way I can download the pieces myself, and have it install it from a local source? Alternatively, anybody have a suggestion of another way to install exfat support?

  4. I'm trying to install Unassigned Devices Plus to get exfat support. But when I tell it to install, I get this:

    plugin: installing: https://github.com/dlandon/unassigned.devices/raw/master/unassigned.devices-plus.plg
    plugin: downloading https://github.com/dlandon/unassigned.devices/raw/master/unassigned.devices-plus.plg
    plugin: downloading: https://github.com/dlandon/unassigned.devices/raw/master/unassigned.devices-plus.plg ... done
    plugin: downloading: "https://github.com/dlandon/unassigned.devices/raw/master/packages/parted-3.3-x86_64-1.txz" ... failed (Generic error)
    plugin: "https://github.com/dlandon/unassigned.devices/raw/master/packages/parted-3.3-x86_64-1.txz" download failure (Generic error)


    The referenced URL is available, I've downloaded it directly via my browser to test.


    This is on 6.10.2.

  5. 10 hours ago, trurl said:

    Would have been better to just continue on that thread instead of starting a new one. Have you rebooted since that other thread?



    I have rebooted, same thing continues.


    I've discovered another oddity, too. The SMB connection isn't stable - but it fails at a very regular interval. That is, I can copy any file up to about 1.6GB into the server. But anything bigger than that fails with a "network error". If, immediately following the failure, I try again, it fails at (apparently) the same amount of data transferred. That regularity makes me think it's something software-related rather than just a wonky ethernet connection.


    So these are all things pointing me toward something corrupted on my boot disk and I should create a new one.

  6. My boot drive seems to have gotten slightly scrambled, and I find myself not having a current backup. I do still have limited usage of the server, so what can I extract from it to simplify the job of setting up a fresh one?


    The server does boot, but once it's up the web interface won't run, and the /boot directory appears empty. So a bunch of things that I'd ordinarily just be able to go look at aren't available to me. But I am able to ssh into the device where I can see everything (afaik) except for /boot, which should give me a leg up.


    Things I'd hope to be able to figure out include

    1. Which drives are which? I guess I only really care about which drive is the parity drive.
    2. What plugins do I have installed, and what are their settings?
    3. For the few Docker containers I run, what are the settings?
    4. Is there anything else I should be thinking of and I'm forgetting?


    For the  #2 and #3, I do have access to the appdata share, as well as backups created by CommunityApplicationsAppdataBackup. However, it's not clear to me how to restore that data? Would I just copy my backed up data right over the top of whatever winds up there on the new server?


    I expect recreating the shares should be easy: I'll just have to point new shares to the existing folders. And for user access, I'll probably wind up having to reset passwords. And I assume that I won't have any trouble contact Lime team to get the registration for the new boot drive.

  7. I'm not sure if this is correct, but it looks reasonable:


    root@jabba:~# df
    Filesystem         1K-blocks       Used  Available Use% Mounted on
    rootfs               5636072     879676    4756396  16% /
    devtmpfs             5636080          0    5636080   0% /dev
    tmpfs                5710776          0    5710776   0% /dev/shm
    cgroup_root             8192          0       8192   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
    tmpfs                 131072      23372     107700  18% /var/log
    /dev/sda1            3907100     619744    3287356  16% /boot
    overlay              5636072     879676    4756396  16% /lib/modules
    overlay              5636072     879676    4756396  16% /lib/firmware
    tmpfs                   1024          0       1024   0% /mnt/disks
    tmpfs                   1024          0       1024   0% /mnt/remotes
    /dev/md1          3905110812 3207670612  697440200  83% /mnt/disk1
    /dev/md2          3905110812 2834683480 1070427332  73% /mnt/disk2
    /dev/md3          5858435620 2931119740 2927315880  51% /mnt/disk3
    /dev/md4          3905110812  278353664 3626757148   8% /mnt/disk4
    /dev/sde1          117220792   10697084  105500996  10% /mnt/cache
    shfs             17573768056 9251827496 8321940560  53% /mnt/user0
    shfs             17573768056 9251827496 8321940560  53% /mnt/user
    //THOTH/Media     2879515136 2416516620  462998516  84% /mnt/remotes/THOTH_Media
    //THOTH/Other     2879515136 2416516620  462998516  84% /mnt/remotes/THOTH_Other
    //THOTH/Pictures  2879515136 2416516620  462998516  84% /mnt/remotes/THOTH_Pictures


    Editing to add: I should have thought to look inside that drive, too. And I can do so, but the contents don't look legit (and if these are the contents, how did I actually boot?)

    root@jabba:/boot# ls -al
    total 4
    drwx------  9 root root 4096 Dec 31  1969 .
    drwxr-xr-x 23 root root  480 Jan 23 12:26 ..


  8. Hmmm. It won't let me do that:


    root@jabba:~# sudo su
    root@jabba:~# diagnostics
    Starting diagnostics collection... mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/boot/logs’: Input/output error
    ZIP file '/boot/logs/jabba-diagnostics-20220123-1226.zip' created.
    root@jabba:~# cd  /boot/logs
    bash: cd: /boot/logs: No such file or directory


  9. On rebooting, my server comes up - the shares work, I can ssh into the box, etc. But the web interface doesn't come up. Can anyone help me figure out how to bring it back?


    How I got into this: I was trying to do some backups onto an external USB harddisk. Apparently the front-mount USB ports on my machine are flaky, and the device kept disappearing, then coming back. I moved it to the rear ports, where it was stable, but when I checked the external disk's filesystem there were lots of errors that were taking forever to fix. So I figured I'd just delete the partition and recreated it. But doing so while the fs repairs were still running angered the OS, with the log file advising me to reboot, so I did.


    When I rebooted the web interface came up fine, but the array didn't. I figured out that this was because I've got 6 real devices, with the external disk being a 7th, thus exceeding my license. So I told it to shutdown, I removed the external device, and powered it up again.


    Since this point, the system is coming up: I can ssh as I said, I can read and write to its shares, and from the ssh session I can see that it's also successfully connected to a separate NAS box in the house.


    Another oddity I notice is that the CPU is constantly busy, from 30%-50%. This is a relatively weak machine, it's just intended as a NAS, but I don't recall seeing it busy like that before unless it's verifying the array parity or something (perhaps that's exactly what it's doing, and I don't know because I can't see the web interface?). There are two processes taking up almost all of this: unraidd0 and mdrecoveryd.


    I don't even know where to look for the logs that would pertain to starting the web interface (or anything else for that matter). Can anyone offer guidance?

  10. 4 hours ago, itimpi said:

    I would be grateful if you could post the .progress and/or .progress.save and the parity-checks.log files from the plugin's folder on the flash drive so I can see if I can work out how it happened and avoid it happening in the future even after an unexpected shutdown.

    I don't know where to find that folder. But I suspect it's not there anyway - to avoid further failures, I already uninstalled the plugin. Sorry.

  11. I just walked into my office to find my server having rebooted. I download the diagnostics, and find this in the log (jabba is the server name).


    Mar 22 13:41:51 jabba Parity Check Tuning: Unclean shutdown detected
    Mar 22 13:41:51 jabba emhttpd: Warning: Division by zero in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/parity.check.tuning/parity.check.tuning.php on line 947


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