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Posts posted by pakiyabhai

  1. I've added --DNS flag as well. Results are still same. no updates

    On 6/17/2019 at 6:07 PM, pakiyabhai said:

    Any help to resolve below would be appreciated. 


    I'm simply unable to get Pi-Hole to download any blacklists file updates , I keep getting below . I can login to Pi-Hole UI 

    [i] Target: raw.githubusercontent.com (hosts)
    [✗] List download failed: no cached list available
    1. I've tried Keeping one of the DNS as
    2. I've tried disabling DHCP server .
    3. I've tried changing the Unraid default UI login to port 81 and 444.
    4. I've tried uninstalling multiple times. 
    5. I'm on latest 6.7 version. I use BR0 and have the server ip same on both places. 



  2. Any help to resolve below would be appreciated. 


    I'm simply unable to get Pi-Hole to download any blacklists file updates , I keep getting below . I can login to Pi-Hole UI 

    [i] Target: raw.githubusercontent.com (hosts)
    [✗] List download failed: no cached list available
    1. I've tried Keeping one of the DNS as
    2. I've tried disabling DHCP server .
    3. I've tried changing the Unraid default UI login to port 81 and 444.
    4. I've tried uninstalling multiple times. 
    5. I'm on latest 6.7 version. I use BR0 and have the server ip same on both places. 


  3. HI,

    In addition to the above logs , I looked at the logs and found this when running with Edge=1


    2017-11-05 02:06:27 URL:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kovidgoyal/calibre/master/setup/linux-installer.py [27407/27407] -> "-" [1]
    Creating symlinks...
    Symlinking /opt/calibre/lrf2lrs to /usr/bin/lrf2lrs
    Symlinking /opt/calibre/fetch-ebook-metadata to /usr/bin/fetch-ebook-metadata
    Symlinking /opt/calibre/markdown-calibre to /usr/bin/markdown-calibre
    Symlinking /opt/calibre/ebook-edit to /usr/bin/ebook-edit
    Symlinking /opt/calibre/lrfviewer to /usr/bin/lrfviewer
    Symlinking /opt/calibre/calibre-debug to /usr/bin/calibre-debug
    Symlinking /opt/calibre/web2disk to /usr/bin/web2disk
    Symlinking /opt/calibre/ebook-viewer to /usr/bin/ebook-viewer
    Symlinking /opt/calibre/calibre-customize to /usr/bin/calibre-customize
    Symlinking /opt/calibre/ebook-polish to /usr/bin/ebook-polish
    Symlinking /opt/calibre/ebook-meta to /usr/bin/ebook-meta
    Symlinking /opt/calibre/calibre-server to /usr/bin/calibre-server
    Symlinking /opt/calibre/calibre to /usr/bin/calibre
    Symlinking /opt/calibre/lrs2lrf to /usr/bin/lrs2lrf
    Symlinking /opt/calibre/calibredb to /usr/bin/calibredb
    Symlinking /opt/calibre/calibre-smtp to /usr/bin/calibre-smtp
    Symlinking /opt/calibre/ebook-convert to /usr/bin/ebook-convert
    Symlinking /opt/calibre/calibre-parallel to /usr/bin/calibre-parallel
    Symlinking /opt/calibre/ebook-device to /usr/bin/ebook-device
    Setting up command-line completion...
    Failed to find directory to install bash completions, using default.
    Installing bash completion to: /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/calibre
    Setting up desktop integration...

    ____________________ WARNING ____________________
    Setting up desktop integration failed with error:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "site-packages/calibre/linux.py", line 813, in setup_desktop_integration
    File "site-packages/calibre/linux.py", line 798, in install_icons
    File "site-packages/calibre/linux.py", line 792, in install_single_icon
    File "subprocess.py", line 536, in check_call
    File "subprocess.py", line 523, in call
    File "subprocess.py", line 711, in __init__
    File "subprocess.py", line 1343, in _execute_child
    OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

    Creating un-installer: /usr/bin/calibre-uninstall

  4. 2 hours ago, aptalca said:


    Set edge to 1, and watch the logs. Sometimes it takes a long time to download the updated calibre during which time there is no ui


    Thanks for the quick reply !!

    The logs show that Calibre is being downloaded but I"m not able to install it. 
    It's a fresh install and nothing else is on the Unraid machine. 





    Calibre Error.png

    RDP Calibre.txt

  5. HI,

    Few noob questions. I'm using the RDP Calibre docker


    1. Is the calibre in this container supposed to be self updating ? My Calibre docker is on 3.1.1 while update avaialbe in 3.11.1 , clicking on update does nothing

    2. I understand the Edge variable has to be turned to 1, but whenever I do so , UI just won't launch , turning to back to 0 starts it 


    Any ideas?

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