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Posts posted by digitalagent

  1. On 7/10/2020 at 8:54 PM, radix said:

    I have been using Saarg's MakeMKV docker for years. Recently he broke it and decided to abandon the project and recommended binhex's or jlesage's project. I'm happily using binhex's emby and krusader dockers so I figured, let's keep it in the family. However I can not get binhex's MakeMKV docker to recognize my SATA optical drive. Stupidly I deleted Saarg's docker as soon as I read his abandon post so I lost my 'config' to refer to. So when I had trouble getting binhex's docker to work, I thought it was something I was doing wrong.

    lsscsi -g showed

    [3:0:0:0]    cd/dvd  PIONEER  BD-RW   BDR-209D 1.34  /dev/sr0   /dev/sg6 

    After trying --device=/dev/sg6 --device=/dev/sr0 and --device /dev/sg6 --device /dev/sr0 (which I'm certain I was using in Extra Parameters previously) I tired other variations like --device=/dev/sg6:/dev/sr0, --device=/dev/sr0:/dev/sr0, --device=/dev/sg6, --device=/dev/sr0 none of which worked.


    I decided to give jlesage's docker a try and with the --device /dev/sg6 --device /dev/sr0 setting it worked right away. 


    Sorry binhex, I tried.



    Exact same boat for me. For the life of me i couldnt get this version to see my internal SATA Bluray drive. I found the other docker you are using and it worked perfectly after i added the device to extra parameters. Thanks for the tip!

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