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Posts posted by goa200

  1. 1 hour ago, JonathanM said:

    So change it to do what you want. That's the point of my post, here are the building blocks, assemble as needed.

    Yup Thx to your script i manage to come up with a version of my own. Big Thx for pointing me in the right dir.

  2. 23 minutes ago, JonathanM said:

    You will have to rewrite this to do what you want, but I think the basic concept is there for you. This script pings an IP, waits until it responds, then runs a command. If you research the ping command you should be able to use the logic the way you want.

    printf "%s" "waiting for IP to respond ..."
    while ! ping -c 1 -n -w 1 &> /dev/null
        printf "%c" "."
    printf "\n%s\n"  "IP is responding"
    docker start "Container"



    I do however wanna do the opposite i.e. if the ip isnt responding then i wanna start a docker.

    Doing some sort of plex backup where i have 2 servers in diff location and if one goes down i wanna start the other plexdocker

  3. I've searched the forums for a script that pings an ip and if it doesnt respond it starts a docker. If anyone has such a script or can point me in the right direction id be immensly thankful.I've searched the forums for a script that pings an ip and if it doesnt respond it starts a docker. If anyone has such a script or can point me in the right direction id be immensly thankful.

  4. On 6/5/2022 at 9:13 AM, vsixtyfour said:


    There was a change to the configuration for the docker they are now using /config instead of /frontend

    you need to click the edit button as per the below:



    And then rename /frontend to /config



    It should work after that


    tried above edit and didnt work in firefox strangely enough but did work in Edge

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